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Hello, I would like to begin by thanking you personally for reading thus far. I write this as I perch in my bed at 12:38am, brimming with some type of joviality at the mere idea that by consequence of reading my inner most thoughts, it may provoke a spark in even one individual.

Before I elaborate on what it is exactly that I will pursue in terms of my postings, I will write one thing:

my faulty epochs.


"working badly or unreliably because of imperfections.""mistaken or misleading because of flaws.""having or displaying weaknesses."


"a period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.""the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.""a division of time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself subdivided into ages, corresponding to a series in chronostratigraphy."

What I mean by this is simple. It is through this page that I intend to explore the copious faulty epochs that I have experienced. Despite the fact that I use the term "faulty", be careful not to read it with negative inflection. It is merely a preface to some circumstance that I have personally encountered in a type form–may it be a person, a feeling, a specific day, a challenge, or a lesson.

To make what I am writing a dash more clear, my future postings will exhibit my personal take on life experiences. There have been times where I felt to have been in complete darkness and I will touch on how and why I was able to find a little piece of sunshine within it. The catch with this is that sunlight is sunlight, and it holds vitality, no matter how big or how small that ray may be.

Moreover, the awe-inspiring points in time I find equally important to reflect on, as without them, what is sadness or disappointment? The sunlight would mean nothing to a plant without rain, and a plant could not age without the sun shining down. 

It is my wish that you feel inclined to accompany me along this journey. Furthermore, I ask for you lay to your trust within me as I do my best to convey to you the importance of embracing life for what it is--may it be bliss, dejection, heartbreak, or triumph.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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