Coming out

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Kurts pov

"Heather. What I am about to tell you is STRICTLY between us, got it?" I asked my best female friend, Heather McNamara, hoping she would understand the intensity of the situation.

"Kurt, I understand. What do you need to tell me?" She said before rolling her eyes slightly. "And didn't I ask you to call me Mara? You're my best friend for Pete's sake!"

I looked away, staring at one of the old timey art works on the wall before speaking. "Well its two things really... "

"Then tell me already!" She shouted, throwing her hands up.

"Well one is that I'm hella gay like so gay I'm surprised I don't shit rainbows." I said, turning back to look at her. She had a smug look on her face. 

"No shit dude. Ive known you for how long? Its kinda obvious!" She said, shaking her head and making her blonde hair bounce as she laughed.

"Well the other thing is less obvious... I hope.. " I sighed as she stared at me with a look that said "try me bitch." "You CANNOT tell anyone!  I can't stress this enough if you tell anyone i will NEVER talk to you again!! This could RUIN everything!"

"Ok spill." Was all she said.


"Dude slow down I can't understand a single word you're saying" she said, cutting me off.

"Ok... So I kinda like Ram.  Like seriously I think it might actually be love but I don't know... " I said, slower and clearer for her.

"Whoa really? When did thia happen?!"

"I have no idea! I mean ive always kinda known I'm gay but like... I think I've liked Ram for a while.. "

"Whoa." She said again before looking at the clock and gasping.  "Shoot! I gotta go home!"

I nodded and stood up with her. "Bye Mara.. " I said and she nodded at me. 

"I'll talk to you at school tomorrow, you love struck gay!"

I laughed and we both left to go our separate ways home.

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