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After six months at sea, Inej Ghafa had returned home with a prize, several new scares and and the same trusty blades strapped to her body. Even just after a few months, she had changed. She started wearing half of her hair lose, the top half braided back neatly. Her skin deepened into a smooth tan, something she didn't get in Ketterdam where the buildings and smoke clouded the sky and her hoods kept her hidden from the blessed light.

The morning was unnaturally bright, the sun glinting off the waves in the harbors of the city of trade. A soft breeze brushed across her skin, goosebumps rising on her skin. Perhaps it was the breeze or perhaps it was her nerves. She had stayed in Ketterdam with Wylan, Jesper and her parents for a month before she had gathered up a crew and set out to catch her dream. As for her parents, they were safely put in a comfortable house near Jespers father. When she asked, Kaz had simply told her not to worry and, for some reason, she trusted him.

The thought of Kaz brought more goosebumps to her skin. She missed him. As much as she hated to admit it, it was true. She found reminders of him everywhere and eventually it had begun to feel like she was looking for reminders. Regardless, she was going to see him today.
The Wraith steered into the docks, easing gracefully into her spot. Inej snapped back into reality and begun to give orders to her crew. It was a simple process at this point, they had all gotten used to each others presence.

Inej stepped below deck to give more orders, always keeping attention to the details. This would be her first time back in Ketterdam with prisoners, the slavers she caught and would hand over to be sent to trial. She wouldn't take the men personally, but trusted her select few of her crew to do it.

Eventually, she was on the dock, a bag slung over her shoulder as she looked over her new home one more time. All was safe and planned perfectly as it should be.

The walk to the Van Eck house wasn't very long and she enjoyed it, remembering the city, her city. Truly, these streets belonged to her. She knew every secret passage and get away location. She felt oddly exposed though, walking alone, no longer the girl she had been six months ago.
 She could've sworn she heard the faint clicking sound of a cane as she strode up to the front door where Jesper and Wylan now lived. She knocked once, and didn't have to knock again before the door opened to the face of an older woman. Inej remember her face from the few weeks after the auction that she stayed in this house. She didn't have to say anything before the women stepped aside and motioned her in. It was then that she saw the familiar figure of a certain curly haired red head with a grin that made her smile.

"Inej!" He called as he moved towards her. "Oh Inej- you look so much older!" He smiled as they embraced, just briefly.

A voice came from down the hall and she looked up to see Jesper, smiling and somehow dressed just slightly more tame. Slightly. "Well there's our little pirate," he mused pulling a smiling Inej into his arms. She had to admit, he gave good hugs.

"Its nice to see you two," she said as they broke away.

"How long are you staying in town? Hopefully more then just a night, right?" Wylan asked.

She shifted the bags weight on her shoulder. "Two weeks."

"Here, Lea?" Wylan asked, looking over to the woman who answered the door as he took Inej's bag from her. "Will you take this up to the spare bedroom please? The one she was in before. Thank you." 

She shouldn't have been surprised by Wylan's gentle politeness but it was still a strange sight. She certainly wasn't used to the idea of Wylan being a merchant.

"You have to tell us everything. Every single detail I want to hear it all," Jesper said quickly, turning towards the living room.

Inej smiled, knowing the boys meant well. "I'll tell you all about it, I promise, but would you mind if I wash up a bit first? And maybe lay down for like, ten minutes? It's been a minute since I've been on land and uh...yeah I need a nap." She laughed at herself for how soft she became within these walls. She wasn't even finished speaking by the time the pair were urging her upstairs with orders of immediately getting into the bath and then her bed.

She spent a good while scrubbing her tanned skin free of dirt and the unavoidable grim of living on a boat for so long. When she had finally felt satisfied with herself she stepped back into the elegant bedroom to find tea and a few cookies waiting for her. Yes, this house made her very soft indeed. It was nearly an hour before she reemerged in the living room, only to find it empty. She had the distant feeling that she didn't actually want to know where the two boys had gone so instead she moved to the window, looking out at the streets she knew so well. Somewhere out there there was a boy who had consumed her thoughts for months, who had given her answers but left her with a million more questions. Did her think of her as often as she thought of him? She figured she would visit eventually in her two weeks here but what would they even talk about? How different would this Kaz be from the one she had seen six months ago? There were a lot of things the Wraith needed to learn here.

She turned as she heard someone enter the room, Jesper, with a cup in his hand full up some kind of steaming liquid.

"Oh, you're awake," he glanced to the stairs, almost nervously. "Uh, there's more tea in the kitchen if you want some."

"Is everything alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Everything's fine just...everything's fine. Maybe you can tell us about your trip over dinner? Or maybe tomorrow?" He was already heading for the door.

Inej watched carefully. "Is something wrong Jes?"

"No. Nothings wrong. I'll- I can explain later."

And with that, he was gone.

Inej stood there for a moment pondering the conversation she just had. A lot had changed in only six months and she knew she wasn't the only one who felt uneasy about it. She doubted the luxury really helped ease any of the tension, especially when it was a reminder of pain. She had to force herself to let it go and step away from the window.

That's when she heard a knock, and a very familiar rasping voice that sent a chill down her spin. Kaz.

City Of Spies - A Six Of Crows FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now