Chapter 2 | Flashback

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Will had been studying the stranger from the moment she walked in. He knew instantly that something was amiss. Her clothing was all wrong. He was curious as to where she came, no country that he knew of dressed the way she did. Her large hat and strange boots were near impossible to ignore. Then there was the strange 'clink' sound that seemed to follow her. She might as well have a sign on her back that said 'Look at me!'. Not only that but the way she composed herself, it was just... different. Listening closely to what she said to the innkeeper, and hearing the confusion in her voice about where she was, helped to conclude his suspicion. She clearly didn't belong here. When the two men had approached her, she had managed to defend herself, but only just. He was going to follow her, he wanted to see where she was going, and to make sure that she didn't get into any more trouble. After the two thugs had gone back to their original table, Will got up, paid for his coffee, and left the inn. Before he mounted Tug, he managed to catch sight of her on a tall palomino horse, a short ways from the end of the street. He could tell, even from the far distance that she was very familiar with her horse and was an experienced rider. Mounting Tug was more difficult than it had been a couple weeks ago.

Flashback-A Few Weeks Before

Will hesitated before knocking on Crowley's door. He contemplated what job Crowley would give him this time. He had received a hastily scrawled note from a local deliverer that read:


I request that you come to my office immediately. A problem has arisen that will require your talents. Thank you in advance.


Once Will had read this he hastened to get to Crowley as fast as he could. He knew it must be a very serious problem if the ranger already stationed wherever this crisis had occurred couldn't handle the situation himself. Now, as he banged his hand on the door, he hoped that it wouldn't be too bad. The door made a solid thunking sound and was almost immediately thrown open by Crowley. "Oh good, you're here Will, come in, sit down." Crowley looked rather nervous. Will saw documents on his desk, and in piles on the floor. There was no furniture in the room except for the desk and the chair behind it. None in view anyway. Will decided not to mention this and instead seated himself upon one of few sturdier looking piles of paper.

"You sent for me?" He questioned.

"Yes, yes. I'd like you to read this report that I recently received from _____ Fief. Tell me what you think of it when you're done."

Will decided he had better avoid making any jokes about his thinking about something, giving the present circumstances. He accepted the paper in Crowley's outstretched hand and looked through it.

Baron Walters,

We have decided that your reign over this fief has been tolerated long enough. We request that you resign immediately and let someone more adept take over your rule. This is to be done before sunset on the eve after tomorrow. In case you were considering, rejecting this command we have taken five of you subjects to make sure that you are willing to comply. If, after your deadline, you have not given up your post, one of them will die. Each day you fail to meet our demands another person will die, and you will know that this is all your fault. I hope that you will see the sense in agreeing to these terms before it is too late.

-The Waterbarrow Brothers

"Well that was cheery. So you're sending me in because the assigned ranger can't handle the issue?"

"Not at all, Will. That's why I'm so nervous. The ranger on duty is one of the hostages."

"What?" Will was stunned. Up until this point he assumed that these were just ordinary bandits or outlaws. The news that they had been able to take an actual ranger hostage was almost unbelievable.

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