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We are finally at JYP's building, before start practicing I'm gonna bring Y/N to JYP office... I'll let him there, cause in this world he has to learn to "survive" by himself...
-Momo: Okay, Y/N follow me... And keep calm cause you'll do a great job... (smiles)
-Y/N: Thanks noona... (smiles)

-Momo: Well, here it is

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-Momo: Well, here it is... (knocks the door)
-JYP: Go in...

We entered and I can feel how Y/N just froze when he saw him...
-JYP: Momo-ssi what's the matter of your sudden visit?
-Momo: I brought him here and that's all I had to do... He'll explain everything to you now (smiles)
-JYP: Okay... Let's see...
-Momo: Y/N fighting! (smiles)
-Y/N: Thanks noona (smiles)

And I left him there, I hope he really passes the audition...

I'm with JYP ceo... I don't know how to start talking...
-Y/N: Well, first of all I should introduce my self JYP-nim... I'm Yook Y/N, from Japan... I know that the auditions there already passed but I would like to try now... I feel like if I could show you the best of me... (bows)
-JYP: So, in short, you came to do an audition... Right? (smiles)
-Y/N: Exactly... If it's not a waste of your time of course...
-JYP: Momo brought you here so I guess that she already heard you singing... What position would you like?
-Y/N: I would like to be a vocalist...
-JYP: Let's hear what you have, and from now on... Try to speak in Korean cause that's the language that we use here of course...
-Y/N: Yeah, I'll try... (bows)
-JYP: Good, follow me to another room where no one bother us...
-Y/N: (nods)

I followed him until what I think that was a practice room

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I followed him until what I think that was a practice room... I'm nervous as fuck, but I have to focus... My future depends on this audition...
-JYP: Okay, I'll sit here... Tell me your name and age again... Then you'll start...
-Y/N: (nods) I'm Yook Y/N, I'm 17 years old although I'll be 18 next week... I came from Japan, and I would like to be a vocalist in a future cause my passion is singing... (smiles and bows)
-JYP: Okay, you can start...
-Y/N: Yeah sir...

And the music started playing, I could feel my hands shaking and for a moment I thought that my voice would not go out of my throat... As well I was scared of my butter hands, I thought I would drop the mic and it would be everything a mess... But once I sang the first verse, my nerves disappeared and I started feeling the song and get lost on it...

-JYP: Okay, that's enough

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-JYP: Okay, that's enough... (stops the music)

I promise, that moment was the hardest on my life... I thought I would die, because I didn't know what JYP thought about me and my skills...
-JYP: Return home, I have to think about this... I'll call you and tell you if you passed or not... Okay?
-Y/N: Yeah, thanks for your time (bows)

Oh gosh... This doesn't look like if I did a good job... Can someone tell me the result? I don't want to wait, and return home? Like if I were returning to Japan... I exited the room to find manager hyung against the wall...
-Manager: Did you pass kid?
-Y/N: I don't know, he said he would call with the details... And told me to return home... (looks down)
-Manager: Let's go to Twice's dorm, you are staying there after all... They have to practice some more, so meanwhile I'll stay there with you...
-Y/N: O-Okay, thanks hyung... (smiles)

We headed to Twice's dorm and let the time pass until we heard the door and a lot of sudden noise... Yeah, the girls are back...
-Nayeon: I need to sleep like for a week?
-Tzuyu: I don't think I could move any muscle right now (throws herself to the couch) Oh Y/N! How did it go? (smiles)

-Nayeon: I need to sleep like for a week?-Tzuyu: I don't think I could move any muscle right now (throws herself to the couch) Oh Y/N! How did it go? (smiles)

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-Y/N: (sighs) I don't know yet... He said he would call me... (looks down)
-Momo: Don't be upset (hugs me) I'm sure you passed... He should be thinking to which group of trainees will you be part and stuff like that... (smiles)
-Y/N: Thanks noona, I feel better now that you are here... (smiles) But I was good as well with you hyung, don't get offended...
-Manager: Im not, don't worry... (rolls his eyes) Anyways, who will help me preparing dinner?
-Jihyo: I'll go, I'm not that tired... (smiles)
-Y/N: Jihyo noona is incredible, she's still having energy... (smiles)
-Momo: I-I have energy as well! Wanna dance Y/N? (smiles)
-Y/N: (chuckles) It's not necessary for you to act noona, I always looked at you like an awesome person... (smiles)
-Momo: You are saying too beautiful things to me today... (hugs Y/N again)
-Y/N: You deserve such things noona...
-Sana: Y/N-ssi, Momoring it's not the only one here, you know? (smiles)
-Y/N: (chuckles) I know, and I didn't forget about what you said earlier... If I pass, you'll give me the prize...
-Sana: Good memory boy (smiles)

Just then my phone started ringing, that should be JYP... Oh my, I'm that nervous that I pick it without looking at the ID...
-Y/N: Pd-nim?
-Yaiko: What Pd-nim? Did you forget about me idiot? (jokes)
-Y/N: Y-Yaiko?
-Momo: Is it Yaiko?
-Y/N: (nods) She just called...
-Momo: (let go of the hug) O-Okay, enjoy you two... (smiles)
-Yaiko: I see you are with my sister...
-Y/N: Yeah, she's helping me a lot... Oh and I already did the audition... I'm waiting for the results...
-Yaiko: You passed for sure... You have an amazing secret voice...
-Y/N: Thanks, I know I have it (jokes)
-Yaiko: Is Momo unnie still thinking that we two are together?
-Y/N: Yeah...
-Yaiko: (sighs) Okay, but we should look for a way to cut this... I mean, we are just friends...
-Y/N: I know, I'll think about a way- Sana noona please stop tickling me, I'm talking with--Sorry Yaiko- Noona!
-Yaiko: You are having fun at Korea...
-Y/N: Yeah, but I miss you...
-All: Aww~
-Yaiko: What was that? (confused)
-Y/N: Twice's reaction to what I just said... (whispering) I'm acting as your boyfriend, Momo is next to me...
-Yaiko: Oh, got it! Well, I'll let you for now... Tell me the results as well...
-Y/N: I will, bye~ (hangs up)

Aish... I'm really dying for the results... And these noonas, I hope they go to sleep soon...

THE BAD BOY, CAN BE THE GOOD ONE- MOMO X MALE READER Where stories live. Discover now