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It's already midnight, everyone's sleeping but I can't, no without knowing if I passed or not... I need to know! Just when I closed my eyes, my phone ringed again... This is what I was waiting for...
-Y/N: Yes? It's Y/N...
-JYP: Hi, this is JYP... I'm sorry for calling this late but you really messed my plans... (laughs) In a good way tho... Listen, you have an amazing voice, but of course you need some more practice and learn Korean as well... I'm offering you to become a trainee cause... You passed the audition.
-Y/N: Seriously?
-JYP: Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at the building with the other trainees... Goodnight~ (hangs up)

I did it... I did it! I passed the audition! I have to tell noona... I headed to the J-line's room and looked for Momo noona's bed... I'm climb to it and start shaking her...
-Y/N: Noona, noona... Wake up please...
-Momo: Y/N? Please go back to sleep... (cuddles me)
-Y/N: N-Noona this is embarrassing...
-Momo: You shouldn't had come here then... Now, silence I'm trying to sleep... Goodnight~

I didn't have any other option I slept cuddling with Momo noona, she didn't let go of me... And she didn't allow me to tell her my greatest news neither... Aish, next morning will me a chaos...

-Next day-
Mina' s alarm started ringing which means that we have to wake up again... But what is this feeling? Why is it this hot here? I turn around to find Y/N'S sleepy face... Wait! What is he doing sleeping with me?!
-Momo: Y/N!
-Sana: What happens don't scream that early--(smirks) Momoring I didn't know you would take advantage of a younger one...
-Momo: It's not like it looks like, I don't know what is he doing here...

-Mina: Momo unnie, I told you not to do such things

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-Mina: Momo unnie, I told you not to do such things... C'mon wake up Y/N, if Jihyo finds out of this you are dead...
-Momo: I know I know... (shakes Y/N)
-Y/N: Noona five more minutes... Please...
-Momo: No, wake up... NOW!
-Y/N: Okay, okay... Keep calm, there's no need to yell... (stands up)
-Momo: Can you please explain what happened?
-Y/N: You told me to cuddle with you and didn't let me go so I didn't have any other option...
-Momo: (blushes) What?! I didn't say such thing... And why were you at our room anyways?
-Y/N: JYP called me... And well I wanted to say that I passed the audition and I'm officially a new trainee... (smiles)
-Momo: Oh really?! That's awesome!
-Jihyo: And just on time, you'll go to another dorm...
-Y/N: Yeah, thanks for letting me stay here noona... (bows to Jihyo) I'll make you all proud once I debut... Cause that's my next goal... (smile)
-Jihyo: Omo... You are cute, don't do that thing of smile to me never again... I might start liking you... (jokes)
-Y/N: I won't don't worry... Oh, and Sana noona, you have to give me my prize... (smirks) I passed just as we said...
-Sana: What a good memory! Okay, I promise it's a promise... Come here you kid...
-Y/N: (goes to Sana and extends his hand) So? (smiles)
-Sana: (grabs Y/N' s face and kisses his cheek making him look like a tomato) You can talk with the rest of trainees about the kiss that I gave you... (giggles)

-Y/N: I-I'll keep it just for me

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-Y/N: I-I'll keep it just for me... (blushed)

It kinda pissed me off... He has a girlfriend, what's with Yaiko? That's what I used as an excuse to hide the feelings that are growing up inside me... He's my sister's boyfriend, he's younger... And I'm an idol... This can't happen...
-Momo: I think that was too much Sanake...
-Sana: I was joking, I think we should give him our phone's number so if he has any problem he can call us... We are Japanese as well so it might be easier for him...
-Y/N: That means a lot, thanks noona... (bows)
-Mina: It really makes sense... Give me your phone...

And they gave their numbers to him, this is incredible... We are idols and we can't give our numbers that easily... What's with this feeling? Am I jealous?
-Y/N: Noona, your number is the one I need the most, cause being honest I trust you the most... (smiles)

Aww, how can I say no to him?
-Momo: Okay, here it is...
-Y/N: Oh, I should keep going, today is my first day as a trainee... (smiles) Hyung said he would take me there while you have breakfast... Thanks for everything Twice (bows)

And he left with our manager... I'm worried about how will he do it, being a trainee is really hard... Oh, and did he tell Yaiko that he passed?

I'm heading to JYP's building, I can't describe how excited I'm today... It's my first day as a trainee... I did it! I'm going to be an idol! I should call mom and tell her that I won't return, she'll probably have to sign all the papers agreeing...
-Manager: Did you call your family?
-Y/N: No, I didn't... But I was going to do it once I arrive JYP...
-Manager: Do it now, later you won't have time... It's hard being a trainee.
-Y/N: Okay then... (calls mom)
-Mom: Yeah?
-Y/N: Mom, mom! I passed the audition!
-Mom: Oh really?! I'm really proud of you... It's not the work I wanted for you, but you have to follow your dreams...
-Y/N: They'll send you some papers that you'll need to sign cause I'm not an adult yet...
-Mom: Okay, don't worry... Where are you going to stay? And how are you going to eat? Do you need money?
-Y/N: Don't worry mom, they'll send me to a dorm with more trainees and about food... They are in charge as well, although I would gladly accept some of yours... (smiles)
-Mom: Okay, just take care son... I miss you already.
-Y/N: I'll be fine, and I miss you too... (smiles) Well, we are arriving to the building...i have to let you.
-Mom: Have a good day!
-Y/N: I will! (hangs up)
-Manager: Okay, I'll bring you to the room you need to go...
-Y/N: Thanks hyung, I sincerely appreciate it... (smiles)

-Manager: Ugh, let the smiling thing to your future fans

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-Manager: Ugh, let the smiling thing to your future fans... Now focus on your practice and learn Korean quickly...
-Y/N: I got it, thanks (bows)

THE BAD BOY, CAN BE THE GOOD ONE- MOMO X MALE READER Where stories live. Discover now