Entry #2

157 8 0

August 8th

Hello diary. I am writing this in the chicken coop. Yes, I know that is an odd place. But the chickens are so pleasant. They just make their little noises and nibble at their food. They don't make fun of me like Fred and George do for being odd.

Bill and Charlie have been more...big brotherly lately. Bill is trying to stop me from going off alone and Charlie tries to include me in Quidditch. I'm so scared of flying, though. I'm so so scared. I hate being up high.

That's how they knew I am a wizard, actually. Last year I got on a broom with Charlie's help and flew around with him.

I couldn't control my broom at all, not even a little. I looked down and saw how high I was. I began to panic so much that I fell off, forty feet up.

My fall was somehow slowed down. I was gliding through the air. I landed softly on the grass.

Charlie didn't do any magic. He said he just sat there and watched me slowly fall.

Everyone was so happy. Mum cried and hugged me and then yelled at Charlie. He just laughed and ruffled my hair. I think I got annoyed at him for doing that.

I don't like playing Quidditch, but I LOVE watching it! I love watching them play! My siblings like to laugh at me because I get so excited when they play. I try to hide that, I really do. But it's hard! I get so excited and I can't stop jumping up and down like a maniac. It happened two days ago when Mum said I can get a pet when we go to Diagon Alley. MY OWN PET!

Oh golly cheese cubes! I'm making myself so excited by thinking about it!

I think I just made something happen to a chicken with my magic! Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no!

I do not want to get in trouble! Oh no!

-Percy who just accidentally made a chicken turn into an Easter egg!

Young Percy's Diary: 1987-1988Where stories live. Discover now