Entry #5

131 7 1

September 1st

I'm on the train right now. Bill and Charlie won't let me sit with them. But I found someone named Oliver Wood. He's also mad about Quidditch! He actually plays it, though, or he wants to.

He even looked at my drawings of Scabbers, my pet rat. He said I'm a good artist.

I also met a bully. Marcus Flint. He knocked my glasses off and took my book with my drawings! Oliver got him good, though, after I tried to punch Flint. I can't fight well. I'm too small.

Charlie saw my black eye from Flint and got mad. I apologized and got anxious until he told me he wasn't mad at me. He was mad at Flint.

Bill told me he likes my spirit but to please oh for God's sakes don't try to fight anyone bigger than you.

-Percy who is very tired from the feast because he ate too much.

Young Percy's Diary: 1987-1988Where stories live. Discover now