Not Meant To Be (Delena)

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Summary: Set in S2-5. Just a delena songfic.

*Fifty Shades of Grayson*

It's never enough to say I'm sorry

It's never enough to say I care

But I'm caught between what you wanted from me

And knowing that if I give that to you

I might just disappear

Nobody wins when everyone's losing

It's like one step forward and two steps back

No matter what I do you're always mad

And I, I can't change your mind

I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street

I can't give you what you want

And it's killing me

And I, I'm starting to see

Maybe we're not meant to be

Damon and Elena stood in the living room in front of each other.

"So, why are you still here?" he questioned her. "I'm bad, Elena. I am bad for you. So why wouldn't you have run away from me as far away from me as humanly possible?"

"Because I love you, Damon," she simply answered him. "Because I chose you and because I stand by my choice."

"Well, now I'm choosing. And I'm choosing to let you go," he replied.

"What?" she whispered. "No, Damon."

"I'm choosing to not have to think about how you must feel every time some ghost from my past comes into our life. I'm choosing to relieve you of having to defend me of every awful thing I've ever done."

"Stop acting like I'm perfect," she replied. "Damon, I've done horrible things too. You think I'm going to stand here and judge you after I find out that you've been tortured for five years?"

"Stop defending me!" he yelled at her. "I won't change what I am. I can't. But I refuse to change you," he said, before walking away, leaving her in the living room.


It's never enough to say I love you

No it's never enough to say I try

It's hard to believe

It was a nebulous night, as they stood in the living room in front of each other.

"I wanted to apologize," Damon stated.

"Good," she said.

"Let me finish. I said I wanted to. And then I realized, I'm not sorry."

"You would rather die than be human, and you expect me to be okay with that?" she replied.

"I didn't say you were supposed to be okay with that. I just said that I'm not sorry. But you know what I really am? Selfish. Because I make bad choices that hurt you. Yes, I'd rather die than be human. I'd rather die right now than to spend a handful of years with you, only to lose you when I'm too old and sick and miserable and you're still you. I'd rather die right now, than to spend my last final years, remembering how good I had it and how happy I was, because that's who I am, Elena. And I'm not going to change. And there's no apology in the world that encompasses all the reasons that I am wrong for you," he replied to her.

"Fine. Then I'm not sorry, either. I'm not sorry that I met you. I'm not sorry that knowing you has made me question everything. That in death, you're the one that made me feel the most alive. You've been a terrible person. You've made all the wrong choices, and out of all the wrong choices that I have made, this will prove to be the worst one, but I am not sorry that I'm in love with you. I love you, Damon," she confessed.

They looked at each other in silence for a moment, before kissing.


That there's no way out for you and me

And it seems to be the story of our lives

Nobody wins when everyone's losing

There's still time to turn this around

You could be building this up instead of tearing it down

But I keep thinking

Maybe it's too late

It was a dismal night, as he stood in front of her after he'd come to give her her necklace. He'd found it earlier, so he was here to give it back, but not until he told her something. Something he had to tell her, or it was going to eat him up inside.

"I have to say something," he said.

"Why do you have to say it with my necklace?" she asked him.

"Well, because what I'm about to say is probably the most selfish thing I've said in my life."

"Damon, don't go there," she warned him.

"I just have to say it. You just have to hear it," he said. Then he told her. "Elena, I love you, and it's because I love, that I can't be selfish with you. I don't deserve you, but my brother does." He looked into her eyes, compelling her, saying, "This is why you can't know this. God, I wish you didn't have to forget this. But you do." He then quickly put her necklace on and blurred out, disappearing.

* Disturbing Behavior*

It's like one step forward and two steps back

No matter what I do you're always mad

And I, baby, I'm starting to see

Maybe we're not meant to be

It was a dismal night, as Damon sat against the wall in a room at the house after getting thrown by Caroline for going after her father, Bill.

Elena walked in to see the scene and a moment later, Caroline blurred off with Bill.

"Bummer. I love a good girl fight," Damon commented.

"You can't do this anymore, Damon. Not in this town. Not around me!" Elena said, looking at him, clearly mad at him for acting like this.

"Why not?" he questioned her, as he got to his feet. "Nothing I've ever done before," he added, looking at her. "Why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check?" He walked over to her to stand in front of her.

"Because I don't want you to be what everyone thinks you are," she replied.

"What? A monster? Sorry to disappoint you, Elena, but last time I checked, I was still a vampire!"

"That doesn't mean you have to act like one!" she yelled back at him.

"I am not Stefan! Why don't you stop trying to turn me into him!" he said back, before walking out of the room and then leaving the house.

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