Chapter 4

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Gif of Seohyun playing the guitar up there ^^


Sooyoung's POV

Dinner was really fun and talkative. The room was filled with laughter, even I was having a good time.

We played rock paper scissors to see who would be doing the dishes, and the result was me and Chen (and might I add that he's such a sore loser). He was washing and I was drying, and there were so many dishes.

There are way too many members in this group.

Chen kept joking around with me, he's okay I guess. He was fun to be around, and I like talking to him.

He handed me a dish and it slipped from my hands, and I dove down for it, catching it, but I didn't hit the floor. I felt a hand on my lower back, and when I looked up, Chen's face was centimeters from mine. He saved me. Well me and the plate, I was totally gonna accidentally drop it either way.

"You know Sooyoung, you're really pretty now that I'm seeing you up close." He smiled and I wiggled out of his arms, backing away from him but every step back I took, he'd take a step forward.

I backed into the counter and had nowhere else to go. I suddenly blurted, not meaning to, "I have a boyfriend!" I said in panic.

"Wait, what? A boyfriend?" He took a step back and removed his snapback to flip his dark brown hair, putting it back on afterwards.

"Y-yeah! His name is Kyung Ho and we've been dating for a while now, about a year. He's my boyfriend from back home. Sorry I didn't tell you, I hadn't told anyone yet."

"Oh umm, wait. Then why would you enter a contest for a match-making show?" He questioned. So I have to explain this again.

"Long story short, my friends are fans of yours and entered me as a joke. They didn't think I'd get picked, and they forced me to go anyway."

"Ah. Well uhh, sorry for hitting on you. I didn't know." He looked down.

"It's okay, Chen. Let's just remain friends-" I cut myself off. "Friendly."

"Sure. Well that boyfriend of yours sure is lucky to have such a beauty as yourself. That was the last plate, so I guess we can go. I'll see you later." He smiled a bright smile and passed me by, turning around the corner and out of sight.

Well now I feel kind of bad. I lied to him and made up a fake boy, using the name of my ex-boyfriend. I could've just told him I wasn't interested. Did I go too far?


Jessica's POV

We were all in the living room, engaged in our own conversations. I was talking to Kris with Tiffany about basketball and Fany was explaining how she became so good.

"Hey, why don't we start a campfire?" Luhan suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. It's getting dark out, so it seems like a good time." Suho replied.

"Okay, let's go then!" Seohyun cheered.

We made a big fire and sat around it, roasting huge marshmellows. Taeyeon and Kris were feeding each other, Luhan, Kai, and Chen were joking around with Seohyun, Hyoyeon and Tao were laughing over something, Chanyeol was talking to Sooyoung about music, and the rest were engaging in their own conversations as Tiffany and I talked to Lay, though I was kind of a third wheel and was spacing out.

"Hey Yixing, Chanyeol, you should bring your guitars out. Do any of you girls sing?" Said Suho. We all nodded our heads. "Great!"

The two boys sat back down with their guitars. "So, what song?" Chanyeol looked around, ready to play.

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