14. Uncle Joe Wants You

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"Perez. Perez! You shithead... wake up!" said a very loud voice in his ear.

He kind of felt all floaty. A lot of disassociated thoughts came and went drifting in an empty black space. His arms and legs weren't really connected, it seemed they were wandering around in a grey...

"Randy, wake up! Cindy, what's his problem?"

"Onee-chan, stop shaking him! He took a severe blow to the lower back and the head. He should be dead by anybody's expectation. Calm down! If he wasn't made of bailing wire and carbon fiber he'd been crushed. I've just had Eemu reduce the anesthetic and apply a reverser." said a voice with a cool Japanese accent he knew really well but couldn't place.

"We have to get him out of that suit!" said a really familiar voice.

"Onee-chan, calm down! He's going to be okay." said that other voice, with the Japanese accent that he knew but couldn't place.

"He's not going to be okay; I'm going to kill him. He took that hit from that stupid piece of debris for me, again! I told him I didn't need his help anymore!"

Perez realized he should be interested in that conversation, but he couldn't focus.

"Onee-chan, don't make me call the Captain, please... I can't handle you and Onii-chan both and if you don't calm down, I'm going to have to sedate you," said Tunney in Japanese.

Sevrinofsky took a deep breath, closed her eyes and said in the same language, "Go-men, Go-men, Cindy-kun, I'm a little upset. What can I do to help?"

"No worries, Barbara-chan, you can access his suit and help me get him out of the fighter. If the suit mobility is uncompromised, it might be easier to have Sally walk him out of it," said Tunney.

"Salome hasn't responded to me at all. I think she shut down when the power module was hit," said Sevrinofsky.

"Can we jumper it?" asked Tunney looking it over.

The fighter was completely wrecked. The wings curled up, the main spine was broken, and there was a huge spike of unknown material jammed through the craft from back to front, and it pushed the suit rack out of its way pinning the suit against the front of the cockpit.

"You're thinking of powering up the suit and having it rip him out of there?" said Ortiz jogging up behind her in his engineering armor.

"Yeah Chief, seems pretty simple," said Tunney, her accent switching back to standard.

"Stick to working on people, Doc. We'll cut him out of there with the anti-plasma cutters. If the AI shut down, that means that some, or all, of the neurocircuitry is damaged. It could rip his limbs off, not move, who knows. Give me fifteen minutes and we'll have him on a gurney."

"In that case, I'm going to sedate him again," said Tunney, and she reached in and messed with the med panel and Perez's world went all black and squishy.

Ortiz touched the comm on his engineering suit and called a team leader, and within about two minutes the docking bay had another ten people with an entire workshop of equipment working on the little fighter. They placed light gravity over the bay and hoisted the craft out of the SAR into the main bay. Scatora took the SAR back out to give them more room to work, and to team up with the Third. The Third was checking the civilian craft for stragglers, survivors and bugs. SAR's One and Two were the two that engineering shielded so far.

The team cut the Cobra apart at the junctions where the EVA modules were joined, then tried to cut the big spike of junk impaling the craft and got nowhere.

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