Hard Times

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3 months later

"Autumn! Get up! Time for school!" Phillip called as he banged on my door. "And dad has some news! You might want to hurry!" I groaned as I checked my clock... it's 4 AM.
"You better be high Phillip! It's 4 in the morning you prick." I growled as he and my dad sat at the kitchen table. "Come sit dear, I have some news for you, both of you." My dad started as I quickly sat by his side and put my hand in his.
"What is it daddy?" I whispered.
"As you both know I'm sick, right?" He continued not waiting for us to answer. "I have cancer, and it's been in my body for so long that the doctors can't get rid of it." He whispered as I choked back a sob.
"How much longer?" My voice cracked.
"1 month, and I have to go into hospice in afternoon. So I'm having all of you go live with your Aunt and her boyfriend. Her name is Pepper Potts, and her boyfriend's name is Tony Stark." He continues.
"No way! The Tony Stark!? Like as in Iron Man!?" Phillip cheered as I punched his arm.
"Yes... Monte, don't cry my darling. I'll be gone before you come home." He said in a stern voice.
"I need some air." I said as tears ran down my cheeks.
"Bell, wait!" Phillip called as my dad grabbed him and I walked into my room and outside to the fire escape just to break down in sobs.
"Are you ok miss?" A voice asked above me as I quickly wiped my tears.
"I'm fine." I said as my voice cracked.
"I don't think so... would you like to talk about it?" He asked as he flipped down onto the railing.
"Spiderman?" I asked as he nodded. "Strange question, but do you know anything about Iron Man? Like is he nice?"
"Yeah, I do. He's my mentor actually. He's a bit stern but he listens. Why do you ask?" He questioned as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I'm moving in with my aunt who is his girlfriend... my dad has cancer and he just dropped the whole moving thing on my brother and I... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to rant... I'm sorry." I choked as he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Don't cry Bella, it'll be ok. I promise." He said as I pulled back... I know his voice.
"How did you know my name? Do I know who you are behind the mask?" I asked suddenly as he almost fell backwards. I quickly grabbed his shoulder trying to steady him but pulled too hard... and he fell on me, but I never hit the ground. He caught me by my waist with one arm and held us up with the other.
"I'm sorry!" I blushed hard as he slowly let me down and sat across from me.
"It's fine, but hey, it took your mind off things didn't it?" He smirked at me as I let out a little laugh.
"Bell? Parker should be coming over soon to take you to school, can you tell him that I can't come?" Phil asked through my door.
"I guess you should get going." He whispered to me before he kissed my cheek and took off before I could thank him.
"Yeah... I'm getting ready now." I said with a small smile playing on my lips.

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