Tony Stark

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I wake up wrapped in someone's arms in a car driving somewhere... oh. I'm going to Tony Stark's place.
"Are we there yet?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.
"Almost Monte, almost. Just relax ok? It's been a hard day." Phillip soothed as I looked up to see the worried face of Peter Parker.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked me as I nodded slowly and laid back down.
"Parker? Can you carry her inside?" Phillip asked as my head spun.
"Yeah, wrap your arms around my neck neck ok?" Peter instructed as I held onto him.
"Friday? Can you direct Peter to Autumn's room?" Phillip asked.
"Of course, third door on the left, Mr. Parker. Phillip, your Aunt would like to speak with you in the Mr. Stark's office." F.R.I.D.A.Y explained as Phillip jogged over to a closed door.
"How are you doing?" Peter whispered.
"I've seen better days. You?" I shrugged.
"When you're ok, I'll be ok." He muttered before a blush overtook both of our faces. "I mean! You're my bestfriend, and it's hard to see you so upset!" He rambled as I took a breath and put my finger to his lips.
"Thank you. Just curious, but what tie do you have to your soulmate?" I questioned.
"A tattoo and the pain tie. Why do you ask?" He smiled.
"Well, that's weird. Me too. Where's your tattoo?" I rushed.
"On my upper left thigh. Why?" He grinned.
"Does it look like this?" I said as I drew my tattoo.

"Does it look like this?" I said as I drew my tattoo

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"Yeah I does. You forgot something though." He frowned as he drew in the infinity sign in.
"I forgot that on purpose, to make sure you had the same one." I smiled as he wrapped me up in a hug.
"Autumn, and Peter, your attendance is required in Mr. Stark's office immediately." F.R.I.D.A.Y said as I kissed his cheek and took his hand in mine as we walked to the office.
"Aunt Pepper, it's so good to see you again." I smiled softly at her as she wrapped me up in a hug.
"Parker." Mr. Stark said curtly as Peter nodded.
"Mr. Stark this is my soulmate... and apparently you already know him." I said as my brows furrowed.
"Yes, Mr. Parker is an intern." He said as my mouth formed an 'o' shape.
"Ok, so what did you want to see us about? I smiled.
"A few things. One is regarding your mother, Eliza Rodgers." He said as my breath caught in my throat.
"So you do remember her! I can't remember anything!" Phillip exclaimed.
"What about her?" I back up into Peter's chest as he wraps his arms over my chest trying to comfort me.
"She's... she escaped, and no one can find her. She could be anywhere." Phillip explained.
"What do you want me to do about this? I wouldn't know where she is, and if I did know, why would I ever go anywhere near there?! She... I'm sorry but I can't put myself back there, so don't ask me to." I snapped as I walked out, leaving everyone with open jaws.
~I've never snapped at anyone like that before... I just can't! She hurt me! Too many bad memories...~ I thought as I held my knees and cried. I walked out onto my balcony before blacking out.

Peter's POV

"If you're her soulmate, why don't you go after her?" Mr. Stark asked.
"If I know anything about her, and girls in general, is that you're supposed to back off when they're that mad. Especially her, she almost never gets that mad, I've only seen it once and that's when Flash started bullying a little girl because she had glasses." I shuddered thinking back on it.
"Yeah, he's right. When she gets angry, and it's usually for a good reason, everyone needs to back off for a little while until she can clear her mind." He said as I heard her screaming in my head. It honestly hurts to here her like this.
"Are you ok Peter?" Pepper asked me as she set her hand on my shoulder.
"I can hear her thoughts and they're pretty depressing. Ow!" I yelped as I grabbed my arm.
"What happened?" Mr. Stark asked just before I bolted to Autumn's room.
"AUTUMN!? ARE YOU OK? AUTUMN!?" I yelled through the door as F.R.I.D.A.Y unlocked the door. She was unconscious on the floor with a small stream of blood coming down her arm.
"Autumn? Can you hear me?! Please wake up!" I begged as her eyes fluttered open.
"Ugh... what happened?" She asked me as I wrapped her up in my arms. "My arm hurts... Peter?" She whimpered into my chest before she blacked out again.
"What happened to her?" I asked as worry etched all of our faces.
"What does A.S.S mean?" Phillip asked as I couldn't help but chuckle a little, he handed Mr. Stark a little needle.
"I don't know." He whispered as he smoothed down her hair.
"It's actually R.A.S.S. It stands for Radioactive Arctic Speed Spider... it's venom can kill a person with in 3 minutes... if they can survive the get the speed and powers and strength of the spider... oh! Not to mention the ice and snow powers! Wee!" Autumn spit rapidly as she shot a web from her hand and clung to the ceiling.
"The first side effects should wear off right about... now." F.R.I.D.A.Y said as Autumn dropped from the ceiling. I slid under her just in time to catch her so she wouldn't hit the floor.
"What are we going to do, Mr. Stark?" I asked as I held the unconscious brunette in my arms. Her hair switched from her normal brown to an icey whiteish color and grew longer.

 Her hair switched from her normal brown to an icey whiteish color and grew longer

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But then it went back to her normal brown with icey purple tips.
"Uh oh." Phillip breathed as I nodded.
"Looks like we've got a new superhero.

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