13) .Queens and Kings of Old and New.

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.Queens and Kings of Old and New.

~Tuesday Prince~

My eyes flutter open. Sun peaks in through the curtains and I realize that I'm alive. Alive and in somewhere I wasn't before. What had happened is all blurry to me, but I remember that I was dying. I remember the Fire Flower Juice that Lucy administered to me. It must have worked, but why didn't I heal right then? I am surprised that they had time to move me somewhere else. Other than a slight headache, I feel fine. I swing my legs out from under blood red covers and my toes brush against the stone floor. I'm surprised to see that it's not cold, though I suppose that is because of the magic of Narnia.

I walk to the door and pull it open, surprised to see people bustling about quickly, things in their arms and running to and fro. When they see me in the doorway of the room I had been sleeping in, they all stop almost immediately. A couple fawns drop what they're holding and they clash to the floor.

"Alert the High King!" a centaur called above the rest. "The Queen of Narnia has awoken!" One fawn in particular runs up to me and I recognize him immediately. A small creature follows behind him. A grin spreads across my cheeks and I can hardly keep myself from letting tears well up in my eyes. I wrap Mr. Tumnus around his neck and pull him in for a hug. Then I bend down to pull the fox into my arms as well.

"You're both alive," I cry. "I thought the White Witch had at least turned you into stone!" 

Mr. Fox smiles and pulls away. "She did, my lady, but Aslan saved me. With one breath of his lungs, I was healed." 

I laugh. A real jolly laugh. A laugh that I feel as though I haven't given in ages. "Please, my friend, call me Tuesday, as I have said before." 

Mr. Tumnus gives me a deep bow. "Queen Tuesday, you are to be praised on high, for you have killed Jadis, the White Witch. Aslan is forever in your favor. He bows to you in thanks." 

Mr. Fox matches the bow. 

I'm not exactly sure what to say, so I say nothing at all. I don't really need to, because the crowd of centaurs and fawns separate and a figure steps through. He wears royal clothes, blue and gold, a sword tied to his waist. My eyes meet his blue ones and my heart jumps in my chest. I'm glad I can feel it.

Peter runs to me and pulls me into his arms. I'm surprised at first, but I melt into him. I almost forgot what a physical person he is. He holds me tightly as though he is afraid I'll disappear, but he's gentle as though he's afraid I'll break with any touch. I feel a couple teardrops fall from my cheeks. Why am I crying? I realize I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been. Happier than training with Edmund. Happier than messing around in the river with Lucy and Susan. Happier than laying under the stars with Peter. I realize that I'm home. I'm where I'm meant to be. I've found a family.

"I thought I lost you," Peter whispers. "Don't do that to me again." I can't help but chuckle under my breath.

"I'm sorry, Peter," I say, pulling away and meeting his eyes again, "but there were lives to be saved, and you were one of them. I couldn't just stand by." 

Peter smiles and wipes a tear away from my cheek. The tender moment is broken when a scream echoes through the room. It makes me jump and I'm yanked away from Peter suddenly and into the arms of a girl just a year younger than me.

"Tuesday!" Susan shrieks out of pure joy. 

Lucy joins us in the hug and even though Edmund isn't a very physical person, he lets himself be pulled in the group hug. Even Peter joins in. The first time this happened, Aslan and the White Witch were bargaining over Edmund. This time, the Witch is dead and we are all alive. When we break apart, I examine them all individually. Edmund has a split lip, one that seemed to have cracked again from the battle. He also has a small bruise on his cheek from when he was hit by the Witch. I graze my fingers over his lip and cheek gently and watch them heal. Edmund's eyes widen and his hands fly to his face.

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