Chapter 3 - Whore d'oeuvres

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Night had fallen upon the city. The stars illuminated the sky. Eliza, accompanied by her date Aaron, rode together to the corporate cocktail event.

They arrived at the venue. A five star resort suiting Adelaide's refined taste.

The two entered the high-rise structure, and though they arrived on time the party was well underway. Cafe lights streamed throughout the event. The aroma of fresh baked appetizers lingered in the air.

"I'm going to find the ladies room," Eliza said, shouting in Aaron's ear. The lively music made it challenging for him to catch all her words.

Eliza wandered through the luxurious venue. There were far too many doors, but none of them lead to her destination. In the long hallway she spotted a closed closed door. Though there weren't any signs, a light peeked underneath it.

"This must be it," she whispered to herself before pushing open the entryway. Oh but she was wrong, terribly wrong.

There she realized two things. Not only this wasn't the bathroom, but an unnecessarily huge storage closet. And also she now knows Kenneth from accounting and Jema from legal are more friendly than they claim to be.

Eliza found two naked bodies wrapped together, a man and a woman. Their hips were thrusting to their own rhythm. A slim young woman tilted her head backward, her long dark hair cascaded down her spine. Soft moans escaped her lips. Eliza watched as the woman twirled her hips slowly as he gripped her waist. Their eyes locked, the room filled with sweat lust and a sweet smell Eliza couldn't place.

A creek in the door caught their attention. Their eyes shot at her, Eliza stopped, her mouth dropped. She quickly closed the door behind her. She leaned her back against the wooden surface. Her face flushed a soft fuchsia with embarrassment and a hint of arousal. She left the room.

Finally, she stumbled upon the restroom, it was polished so well it shone. The high ceiling and limestone colored walls created an ambiance of sophistication. The stalls were made from bamboo and they fell all the way to the floor. She felt under dressed even for the restroom.

She dropped her handheld purse onto the countertop, and sifted through it looking for her lipstick. After checking her phone for the fifteenth time today, she finally admitted to herself that trevor was not going to text back. But none of that mattered now, someone had entered the same restroom, but this someone was not another woman.

His dark curly locks were slicked back and barely touched his neck. A five o'clock shadow stubble lingered along his cheeks and down to his chin. A bright set of teeth graced his face.

A dark blue suit covered his tall physique, but what shocked her most was those eyes. Drop her in a concert filled past capacity and she could still spot him.

He moved closer to Eliza. His broad shoulders carried each step. He moved his fingers through his hair and placed a hand on the countertop supporting himself.

"Didn't think I'd see you here," John stated, "thought you might forget," he added, smiling.

When he smiled at her, she froze in time. Nothing worked, not her lips telling her what to say, not her feet telling her to leave, and definitely not her brain screaming at her. She was stuck.

"Oh no, I couldn't miss this, my boss might chop my head off if I did," Eliza said, she turned the faucet on and began washing her hands.

"Yes that's Adelaide head butch in charge," John sneered, his fingers tugged at his tie. He turned to Eliza taking note of her expression.

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