Chapter 6 - A Cold Sunset

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The next morning the sun glistened in their faces. Eliza awoke first. She rose her arm to block out the sun. She found herself encased in another set of legs, both hairy and thick with muscles.

Eliza revelled in the feeling of a warm body next to her. She broke free from his grip and moved to the kitchen.

John stretched his arms. His nose filled with the scent of bacon and french toast. He propped himself on his forearms.

"Oh, a beauty and she can cook, give me those divorce papers," he shouted sarcasm in his voice.

Eliza stopped cooking, unsure of what to do.

"Did you say divorce?" Eliza asked.

John shuffled over to the kitchen with nothing on but a bulging manhood. He took a bite of toast and hummed while he chewed. Eliza kept her eyes on him.

Silence increased between them.

"Hey let's do something fun today," John cheered.

Eliza wrinkled her brow, "what did you have in mind?"

She watched him as he crept up from behind. He grabbed onto her hips and slapped her back against his front.

Eliza tilted her head back against his broad-shouldered chest. Even without a shower he still smelled delicious.

"Let's go on my boat, get away from the city."

Eliza hesitated at the thought. Ever since she met John she found herself doing things she had never done before. Was this a good thing to say yes to life as wild as the adventure may lead?


John parked in front of the pier. The dock was filled with luxurious multi-level boats tied to the deck.

"This is your boat? This is a yacht," she said slowing down her pace.

"Boat, yacht, both float on water," he joked.

The chilly winds billowed their loose clothes and bags behind them. Eliza lagged behind him fulling taking in the sights around her.

She had never been on a boat and rarely visited the beach.

"Hey hurry up," John smiled. Eliza ran a hand through her hair and picked up her pace to meet him.

They closed the doors behind them, inside was warm and perfumed, it felt like a second home.

Eliza wandered about the interior. The place smelled and looked like money. She knew he was well off by the expensive suits and colognes he wore, but not this wealthy.

She stumbled across the bedroom.

The king-size bed was covered by pure-white linen. She dropped her things onto the hardwood floor and went to the feel the sheets. The soft linen caressed her fingers. It felt like touching running water. She noticed the bathroom.

She stepped inside and its decor exceeded her expectations. The shower melted in the floor. She walked over to it, but her head bounced against a hard surface. She looked down and noticed a small handle. Her hand pulled onto it, a transparent door opened before her. Her eyes widened in amazement. A small laughter behind her broke the silence.

"I did the same thing. They keep the place immaculate, so no judgement here," John said.

Eliza turned around, her cheeks flooded red with embarrassment.

"Come," John extended a hand, Eliza reached out towards him. Their fingers intertwined as John led her to a cozy section.

A faux chimney rested in front of them as they cuddled up on the sofa.

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