Chapter 5- No, But Kinda

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Eliza sauntered through the room. Racing thoughts swirled her mind with guilt trailing behind them. She was wrapped in her own worries until someone yanked her wrist.

"What's pretty girl like yourself doing all alone," a drunk stranger approached her.

"I'm not alone," she said pulling away from him.

Eliza took a few more steps toward John. He was within her line of sight, but then the same intoxicated idiot blocked her path.

"You look like you could use a drink," he said handing her a glass with a bright blue liquid overflowing the rim.

"No thanks," she said feigning a smile.

"C'mon sweetheart I'm doing all I can here," he said leaning closer.

She could smell every horse-piss smelling beer he had drank that night. The scent made her retch.

"I said no thanks," this time Eliza raised her voice.

"And I'm just trying to help. You look like you need a man in your life sweetie."

Eliza was so surprised by his rudeness, she couldn't find the words to refute him.

A firm hand landed on the drunk's shoulder. He turned around and looked up to discover a well-dressed man standing over him.

"She's with me," John said calmly.

The man's lips trembled, "Oh my bad," he said letting Eliza walk past him and plant her feet behind John.

John's face twisted in disgust while he stared at the young man.

"If you want to pick up women, there's much better ways to do it," John stated, his tone was sharp and unrelenting.

The young man took a step back. He walked off like a scared pup.

John escorted her back to their seats at the bar.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what... Speak my mind? You gotta try it sometime it feels great" he smiled.

He was so much sexier to her now. The way he de-escalated the situation simply with his presence. She was ready to grab the check.

"Hey I have an idea," he said. His tone intrigued Eliza.

"Let's take shots" John suggested, his face brightened at the mere thought.

"Oh no, I don't do shots."

"You are starting to sound a lot like Adelaide, you two have more in common than you think" he chuckled.

Well that's a frightening thought, she said to herself.

"C'mon be young and free with me, just for one night please pretty please," John used his signature pout.

Eliza hesitated, How often do you let loose? Just one shot, she thought.

You shouldn't be taking shots with someone else's husband, another thought surfaced.

"Alright fine," she agreed and moments later two shot glasses filled to the top with some unknown clear liquid was placed in front of her.

"What are we cheering to?"

"To good times and meeting beautiful people."

A smile jumped onto Eliza's face, "I'll drink to that," their tiny glass cups clinked.

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