Chapter Four - Fancy Meeting You Here

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The woman entered the restroom, her high heels clicked viciously against the floors, she walked over to the mirror

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The woman entered the restroom, her high heels clicked viciously against the floors, she walked over to the mirror. Adelaide examined her frown lines in her reflection. She pressed her fingers against her jowls lifting them and watched as they slowly sagged back into their position. Her shoulders slumped.

John and Eliza had moved to the stall at the furthest end. He had her bent over the toilet, thrusting into her warmth from behind.

Eliza tried to keep quiet and still. Her body trembled with each stroke. He pulled onto her thick hair. Being so powerless was pushing her to her limits. Her legs shook involuntarily, the harder she tried to keep still the more her body resisted.

She gripped both sides of the back of the toilet, using everything in her to not explode on him. She was losing herself each time her lower lips swallowed his thickness. He slipped in and out of her dripping wetness down her legs. The feeling became too much for her to handle in silence. She let out a small moan. It felt quiet to Eliza compared to how badly she wanted to scream out his name again. But it came out loud enough to draw unwanted attention.

Adelaide heard a noise, faint, but she could tell she wasn't alone.

"Who's there," Adelaide shouted though she was met with silence.

John recognized the voice immediately. As badly as he wanted to see Eliza cum and watch her lips form a perfect circle one more time, Adelaide ruined it for him.

She felt him slip out of her quickly. Something had changed.

He dropped Eliza's dress and zipped himself up careful not to make a noise. Adelaide had the ears of a hound. One of the many things he learned after living with her for nearly a decade.

John turned Eliza around in his arms, "that's Adelaide, " he mouthed.

Eliza was struck with panic. She covered her face. Fear hit the pit of her stomach like a meal she was suddenly constipated.

Adelaide found a pair of black-framed glasses resting on the countertop. It could have easily been someone simply forgot, but to Adelaide it was a clue. She began going through each stall slapping the door open.

"Fine you don't want to talk I won't make you," she knocked down another stall. The noise echoed in the confined space. Only two stalls until she would reach them.

Another stall door slammed against the wall. The only thing left between Adelaide and themselves was a thin wooden partition.

They could see her shadow through the door like a wrecking ball ready to end their spicy love affair before it fully took root. It was over.

The door to the bathroom entrance opened, a young lady entered. Music and voices trailed in behind her but gradually faded out. The young lady noticed Adelaide standing aggressively next to a stall door, she paused.

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