Bring me your painleave it on my front porch
the light will not be on
the light inside of you is all you need
slam it on the floorboards or set it down
soft and gently
whatever you do make sure that your pain
becomes well acquainted with my veranda
if in this time you wanna tell your pain to
kiss your ass or pray for it one more time
Baby just don't pick it back up
so get one last look at it
drop a tear it's okay
because when your back faces the front door
when you make your way to where you belong
that night will be the best sleep you've
gotten since being in your mama's womb
you will spend the rest of your
light years growing and glowing
and one day when you are ready
that heavy pain will return to you
remade into the lesson of a lifetime
and you will understand why you had to
put it down