Just Allies? Or More? - ThinkFast Shipping

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I'm so proud of myself for finally doing this. Like, I have been really lazy, and I finally got this done. Read and review. And don't forget to request.

- Nightflower101

Griffin's P.O.V.

This tournament is crazy. It had only been a few days, but 4 people were already eliminated. I was a little worried about the other contestants. I wonder how they're doing.

"Are you there Griffin?"

I shot up from my bed. Was that Neuro? Or am I imagining things? I laid back down after a minute. It's probably just me.

"Griffin. Can you come to my room? I wish to speak with you."

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I thought, hoping I could communicate with him that way. 

There was no reply. I got up, and dressed in my usual attire. I pulled my glasses on and snuck outside my door. Getting caught was not a choice. I used my powers to run to his room upstairs.

I stopped in front of his door, knocking once and then twice. He opened the door and pulled me inside. 

Neuro's P.O.V.

I pulled Griffin inside as fast as I could. We would get in a lot of trouble if we had been caught in each other's rooms. His glasses fell of when I pulled him in. Our eyes met for a quick second before he had put them back on. I turned my head quickly to the side, hiding my blush.

"We both know that this competition is going to end very quickly, and we both want to try and win this competition," I said "so I propose we form an alliance. This way, we will both be able to get further in the competition."

He nodded his head, smiling at me. I took that as a sign he agreed with me. I smiled back. He looked really cute when he smiled. Ugh! What am I thinking? I hardly know him! It doesn't matter anyways, he probably doesn't even like me.

Timeskip - Middle of the Tournament

No P.O.V.

Griffin and Neuro had grown close throughout the tournament. Neither of them knew they both had crushes on each other. It was Thursday. Neuro had snuck through the halls to go to Griffins room, to talk to him.

He knocked on the door, the same way Griffin had done it a week ago. Griffin had opened the door quietly, as to not bother the guards. He looked so tired, and Neuro found it a little cute.

"Neuro? What are you doing here?" Griffin yawned, showing how tired he was.

"I... needed to tell you something. I'm in love with you. I know you probably don't feel the same, especially because we don't know each other, but I loved the time we spent working to move up in the tournament."

Neuro had his arms crossed over his chest. He was clearly nervous. He had his eyes closed and tears were running down his face. Griffin felt a pang in his chest. The sight before him was heartbreaking.

Neuro had begun to turn away when Griffin grabbed him by the wrist. He turned Neuro around and kissed him passionately on the lips. While it only lasted a few seconds, the Griffin and Neuro, it felt like hours had passes.

"Who said I wouldn't feel the same Neuro?" He hugged him, waiting for Neuro to calm down, and stop crying. The sobs had soon died down and turned into sniffles.

"We should probably get to bed. It's getting late." Griffin finally said, looking over at his clock. He looked back at Neuro, realizing he was asleep. He quickly ran to Neuro's room, and tucked him in. He turned off the lights and ran back to his room.

"I guess we're more than just allies, aren't we Neuro?"

Griffin changed and slipped into his bed. Dreaming about his future with Neuro.

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