High School Secrets - DarkMind Shipping

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2 UPDATES IN 1 DAY? INCREDIBLE! I'm so proud of this. I had no idea on how to write this ship, so I decided to wing it. Hope you enjoy! Read, review, and request! BTW, I didn't want Paleman's name to be Paleman in this so I made it his nickname instead. 

- Nightflower101

Shade's P.O.V

I walked into school wearing my leather jacket, jeans, and sunglasses. I went to the second floor to find my friends Toxikita, Ash, and Paleman. Paleman was given his nickname by the pale color of his skin.

I turned and saw my boyfriend by some of the lockers. He was hanging out with some of his own friends. Nobody knew we were dating because it would change the way people would look at me. I was one of the worst kids in school. He was one of the smartest.

The bell rang and he went to class. My friends and I snuck out to go smoke in the back of the school. I started to think about how we got together.


It had been the beginning of the school year. We were Sophmores at the time. I had met him when the late bell had rung. He ran right into me while I was heading out to ditch class.

"I-I'm so sorry." He said, clearly nervous. I glared at him as he picked up his stuff. I punched him in the stomach when he tried to get up. Toxikita kicked him in the side right after. I had stopped after a few minutes, but realized class would end soon. I told everyone the time and we ran away.

I had seen him later that day with cuts all over him. I had slowly approached him. I was already late, so I figured it would be fine.

He curled up in himself when he saw me approach him. I tried my best to look non-threatening. I did not think that it worked. I kneeled next to him. 

"Are you alright?" I asked. No reply came from him.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the hall. My friends are like that sometimes." I told him, trying to make him feel better. He looked up, brown eyes staring at me. "My name's Shade, by the way."

"I go by Neuro." He said, seemingly calm. He was kinda cute like this. I felt really bad about what happened.

"Do you wanna hang out tonight? It'll be my treat. Think of it as a way of saying sorry." I said. I held my hand out to him, showing him I wasn't kidding.

We had become good friends quickly, but due to the way our school is split up, us being friends wouldn't look good for either of us. We decided to ignore each other, only when we were at school. Other than that, we were always talking and hanging out. It was perfect.

*End Flashback*

I snapped back into reality. The bell had rung for 5th period. I had put out my cigarette and went to class. I passed by Neuro and secretly waved to him. He smiled and waved back.

Life is great, isn't it?

This didn't turn out that good, but I did something at least. I might edit this later. I hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading!

- Nightflower101

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