I'll Miss You - VioletPoison

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No P.O.V.

She's gone...Toxikita couldn't believe it. Chamille lost. Tox was right by her side when she fell through the trap door. Everyone went back to their rooms, Tox included.

Her room was farthest away, so it took her a while to get there. When she did, she dropped down on her bed and cried. She had a picture or herself with Chamille and Shade, smiling, and facing each other.

She sat back up, and grabbed the picture. She laid it on her lap and focused on the image of Chamilles face. She had been laughing at something Shade had said. She never realized how close her and Chamille have became.

"I never got to tell you how I feel. I love you Chami. I'm going to win this for us Chamille. I'll win in for you." Toxikita felt her eyes become heavy. She slowly closed her eyes.

"I love you Chami. And I'll miss you..." That's the last thing she said before drifting off into unconsciousness.

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