New Home?

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I walked outside, immediantly seeing the car that was waiting for me, just like the scared lab man said. I weighed my options, run down the street and seek help from the authorities, or let them take me. Either plan sounded stupid, considering if I did go to the police I was a run away minor and they would surely drag me back to my father, but if i did go with them I could turn into the victim of some messed up murder case. I shuddered.

A man in a black suit got out of the car and began to walk torwards me.


I turned to run, and immediantly ran smack into a burly man who looked like he was in his late forties.

"I am so sor-" I began before he grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me off to the man in the suit and the dark car. I whimpered, I was going to die. That's all there was to it.

I was pushed into the back seat with my bag and the door was slammed in my face. I tried the door handle but it wouldnt open, Child lock I thought.

The car was moving now, steadily speeding down the smooth road. The windows were heavily tinted, and there was a solid black plastic divider that obscurred my view of the entire front seat of the cab. I began to hyperventalate growing more scared by the minute. 

Calm down Raina, you'll find a solution out of this, you'll be ok.

The car was still moving, I cupped my handsaround my eyes like make shift binoculars and tried to peer out the window. It looked like we were in the middle of absollute no where. I began to hyperventalate again, my mind running through all the stories of kids being murdered and buried in the desert.

I mentally slapped mysellf and pulled myself back to reality. 

That won't happen.

The car seemed to be coming to a stop and I squinted out the window. I heard a click and the man in the suit stood in front of me, opening the car door. I immediantly pushed myself all the way to the other side of the cab like a frightened animal.

"We aren't here to harm you Raina, we just want to help" said the man in the suit

Ya ok, and im princess of the lollipop kingdowm.

The door that I was leaning against was yanked open and I fell backwards out of the car onto the dead grass as was pulled to my feet by the burly man who proceded to drag me to what seemed an old victorian style house. The paint was peeling in many different places, the wood of the porch was white washed and the curtains in the giant windows were sunbleached. The whole structure seemed to loom over me, intimidating me.

I gulped and tried to stop, digging my heels into the dirt and gravel of the front path leading up to the porch, and immediantly regreted my decision. Burly man glared down at me and yanked my hard, practically pulling my arm out of its socket. I yelped.

"Max, please be careful with her, she's already frightened enough as it is, ease up" said suit man.

The burly man whose name was apparently Max did release his grip on my arm just enough for it to stop throbbing and began to pound on the old door.

Suit man santered up to me and gave me a smile, "The name is Greg, sorry to have scared you"

I stayed silent, glaring at him as best as I could.

He laughed, "Cute. I think you'll find this halfway house to you're liking, it's known for housing orphans, runaways, troubled teens, the lot of it"

As soon as he finished the door creaked open to reveal a bird like woman who immediantly glared at Max and smiled at me and Greg.

She had beady eyes and a nose that hooked like a birds beak. Her hair was graying and pulled up into a tight orderly bu, and she was dressed in a long sleeved high necked dress that swept across the grimy old floor boiards."aother one?" she pointed an accusotory finger at Greg, "You experct me to take care of another brat who has no respect for authority?"

Greg hastenly smiled and passed two files and a thick manilla envelope over to the lady. "Always a pleasure Miss Conkren!" he practically snag as he grabbed Max's arm and pulled him off the porch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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