Chapter {5}- Regrets and Guilt

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Skylar's POV
I woke up to see that I was clutching a photo of me, Klaudia and Hermione. I felt a pang of guilt and sadness in my heart as I looked at 'Mione. Yes, we know she died but does anybody know the story from my perspective? You don't? Well here's the flashback

I was having the time of my life with my lifetime crush, Adam! He wanted to walk me back home but I refused knowing my sister, Gabriella, will tease me about it.

I walking back when I heard a loud sccreeeecch coming from the other side of the road which was over the park, on which I was currently walking beside. I didn't want to go and investigate but when I heard sobs and wails coming from the direction I debated with myself whether I should go or not. Well, curiosity got the best of me so I ran across the park and watched the scene. It. Was. TERRIFYING! There was a car crash between a ash brown car and a really familiar red Ford Angelia. There were glasses shattered from the windows and the Ford Angelia was more damaged than the other. It looked like the crash was not only intended, but also well planned! The ash brown car just had a crooked bumper and it looked expensive.

There was a lot of blood so I ran to see if somebody died or not. As I got closer I saw a very familiar warm face... 'Mione! " 'Mione! Are you okay? You're not hurt, right?!? What happened?" I blabbered so quickly that she gave me a weak smile that said ' I didn't understand a single word you said'. I repeated and she answered by saying," I'm ok. Just check on my family and call the police for me. And if I don't survive this please tell them that this is attempted murder and that it was performed by Mr. Kim Jinyoung from the W company, okay?" I nodded. I called 911 telling them the situation and the address.

Suddenly 'Mione told me to go hide in the bushes. I'm usually stubborn but I did it because she had a serious face on. " Tell my family and Klaudia that I love them. You too Sky. Remember that I'll never forget you or Klaudia and I hope you do the same. Love you guys and miss you too." said 'Mione with the biggest grin I've ever seen. " I will." I croaked out with a small smile as I was choking back tears but still one forced its ways out to my eyes as I walked to a bush and crouched so I was hidden.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and saw a man all dressed in black standing over Hermione as he said, " You're strong eh, girl. You're the only one who hasn't been knocked unconscious from the hit." He had a deep voice and the heavy Australian accent was visible. " Yeah I am. You won't hurt my friends or my family! If you wanna kill me just kill me! Why cause them pain, huh?!?" she screamed back. She was one tough girl!

The word 'pain' reminded me about the time I was sexually assaulted by an elderly man. He looked familiarly like the man in front of 'Mione. I realised that the current incident was related to my past. But it was only to torture 'Mione mentally. It all made sense now. Klaudia getting stalked, me being sexually assaulted, 'Mione getting weak day by day, her fave teacher getting murdered, her uncle framed for murder and many more. It all revolves around her and now that I think of it her smile looked more forced day by day. It looked fake and full of sadness, regret and sorrow. I watched the man as he drove a 4 inch knife through 'Mione's chest as cried out a small, timid 'no!' and fell to the ground.

I wanted to run out and defend her but at that time I was paralyzed. I saw a tear fall across her face as she fell. Her eyes were full of sorrow as she fell and when her eyes were opened again it was empty and lifeless. It was like her soul was sucked out of her body.

I silently cried till the police arrived and saw that a big piece of glass had been replaced in place of a knife. Blood was still fresh around her wound and her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful like an angel. But I saw a thing that changed my perspective of her forever.

A smile played on her lips as she was carried away. She knew that she was going to die and she still didn't prevent it? Why? Did she want to die so badly? If so then what's the reason? I asked myself as I replayed our conversation. I widened my eyes as I realised.


It was all the pain that she had endured and she was sick of it. Sick of acting all happy and fine while on the inside she needed someone to help her out if the dark corner that she had gotten herself into. I gave info to the police but didn't say anything about the thing I just saw. I just told them that it was a car crash and all I saw was the owner of the ash brown car tip toeing away as he disappeared. I ran back to my house, closed my bedroom door and fell asleep with the guilt growing inside me each second.

*End if Flashback*

There you go! It wasn't just a simple car crash. There's a whole mystery behind it. ' I'm sorry didn't keep my promise, 'Mione. Forgive me.' I thought as I sighed. I went to Klaudia's house and wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night when she came busting out and all her words comforted me so I quickly changed from depressed Sky to happy Sky. We talked and talked and laughed until first period. It's a great start.
Hey guys! I wrote this chapter while I was on my way to my hometown. I was bored. Hope you guys liked it. I made a backstory of Skylar to add more spice in the story.

That's all for now. Bye!

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