Chapter 1

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I woke up. I felt a body touching mine. It was Ashley. I sat up, and standing there were a bunch of teenage boys, and not to mention, a girl, who looked awfully familiar. Then it hit me, it was Teresa. I looked around and saw that Ashley was just as confused and puzzled as me. It was The Maze. It was real.

Teresa jumped into the box, probably to rescue us. There were a couple of supplies, and probably a pig as well, but that didn't matter. The box clattered, and the chains swung. I could here chattering around me. The boys, they were talking about whether to lock us in the slammer, or the pit. Either one, they both sounded bad. I thought about running, but Thomas did that in the movie, and it did not work out.

Ashley was pulled out by Teresa and I was escorted out by Minho. The Glade looked exactly the same as the one in the movie and book. Ashley lay on the grass, and I pulled out a hand and she stood up. As we walked towards the Gladers, they formed a circle around us. "Maybe this is a precaution so we don't run away like Thomas in the movie," I whispered to Ashley, "So this is the Glade, and that's Minho, the best runner. There's Winston and Frypan and the rest of the Gladers. Thomas, one of the helpers, who helped create the maze with Teresa. And that's triangle eyebrows." Ashley exclaimed as she pointed at each Glader, as she said their names. Then 'triangle eyebrows' jumped forward, and threatened us by saying, "What the hell did you just say?! I have perfectly fine eyebrows, better than those shanks. And call me Gally, or I'll throw you into The Maze and make sure you get eaten by a Griever! Okay? So you better damn listen to me, or I'll make sure you both become appetisers!" Ashley and I both gulped and we were definitely going to listen to Gally's advice, since getting thrown into the Maze and eaten by a Griver did not sound very enticing. But then, Ashley replied, "Okay triangle eyebrows!"


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