14 1 1

It was the first day in school when I met Luke. I was inside the classroom , waiting for the teacher to arrived. I remembered how nervous I was that day. I was practicing my introduction repeatedly in my mind because I was so tensed and worried, I really hated the idea of going infront and describing yourself. when I was checking my notebook inside my bag, This tall blond guy approached me.

"Hi" I turned my head and face him.The first thing I noticed about him was his weird sideway bangs that I guess, every boys thought it was dope back in the days. he stood timidly ,eyes flickering between the empty chair and me.

"Hi" I replied and by that he gave me the nicest smile that instantly captured my heart.

He sat on the chair, directly to my right . the uncomfortable silence filled the gap, as the classroom started to fill with indistinct chattering . From the corner of my eyes I can sensed him stealing glanced.it was so uncomfortable. I was going to ask him what's the matter but he spoke mere second before I could.

"Hey uhm, you know everything is new here I mean I supposed we should probably you know...... like be friends?" He trailer scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

" I'm fine with that" I replied and his lips instantly pulled into wide smile. I could still remember his expression till this day "I'm Aleisha "

"I'm Luke"

Things went down smooth between us , we discovered each other's similarities and our taste of music. he was talkative, and I was too. by the time the teacher had finished the discussion,we would collect our interrupted conversation an go on. by the end of the day Luke and I consider each other as new friend .

Our friendship grew and grew through the year and we became inseparable since. later that year , I gained another three when Calum,Ashton and Michael started to join us in the canteen one day . Apparently , I discovered Michael and luke despised eachother since Primary , boys issue I guess. he kinda don't wanna join with us at first but Calum and Ashton were both pushy and finally managed to put the white flag between them.

Once we turned 15, I realized there was no way I'll be out of this,not that I wanted to end it anyways but that was the time I was starting to get confused about what I felt towards him. I woke up one day and found him in our porch,dressed in our school uniform, waiting for me to get ready for school , I insisted him to go because he will get himself late again but he refused .

" I'll wait you, end of argument . now go and get shower coz your morning breath stinks"

I guess that was it, that's the time I realized and finally admitted to myself that I was certainly having a crush at him.

I don't want him to find out,I don't want a gap of awkwardness between us. during our early high school year, our classmates used to ship us in our class and we got a lot of tease about it but we were not, we hate it when people paired us and everytime it happened we just laugh it out . That drove my paranoia to the next level, I had this thought in mind that if Luke found out ,he'll no longer wanna befriend with me .

Everyday I tried my best to erase it and act as natural as possible when Luke's around. It was hard to control the fluttering butterflies that was threatening to burst out and the sudden quick pace of my breathing when he's close, but luckily he was dumb to noticed all that .unfortunately Calum was good at suspecting things, he would dropped shady hint jokes then and there whenever he noticed something , he just didn't know how to shut his effin mouth,a bad habit of his. But all along I was the dumbest , little did I know those wasn't really for me, it was for Luke. Long story short, I found out that the feeling we shared is mutual. I was utterly shocked when Calum dropped the bomb in front of my face at Michael's house after their jamming session.

" I just couldn't help it you know . I have been planning to tell you these but I am so afraid on how you would react once you found out. I don't want you to be mad at me or something but Since you already knew,I wouldn't deny it. I like you Leish . I don't know how to describe what I feel for you , no words could ever explain this feeling . all I know is you're the only person I needed. I know its cliche but you mean the world to me and everything just turned out to be accurate and right everytime I'm with you but if you're not fine with that and all of these will only result of damaging our friendship then let's just pretend that you didn't hear anything Cal said and none of these happened"

You really can't choose who you fall in love with.Nothing could have prepared you when it struck you straight. Well I guess its that time...the time I've been anticipating to happened , There's no combination of words I could say. the minute he stopped talking,I grab the hem of his collar and crash my lips to his and we both fell into each others arm as our heart beat synchronized perfectly .

I would trade everything to make it happen again..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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