no fixing without breaking

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Theres this box in my head and i cant find the key
Its locked there away
Not for anyone to see

And i dont understand why my mind keeps it locked
Am i really to weak to face it

With the years going by and still not knowing why i just cant help but try and break it

I throw it around in the back of my mind
But no cracks appear and i hate it

Its this part of our story thats left unrevealed because i know that i cant take it

It will tear me apart with one look in that box but theres no fixing without breaking

I wanna know i wanna face it
But my mind keeps it locked away
Its scared and so am i
It gives me a million reasons to cry
And i feel the aching
But theres no fixing without breaking

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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