A Demon is Reunited

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A/N: This has some of my ex-friends in this part, so I changed their names. Sorry for this part, but I don't feel like rewriting this. 

 When they awoke the next morning, they found that the production team at Buzzfeed had done some editing to the video and sent several emails, saying why they were changing what they did, asking for more footage, and saying that the video aired later that week, so it had to be edited quickly. They sent what Buzzfeed asked for, and then roamed the London streets looking for breakfast.

Finley wondered about her old friends, Allison and Claire. She wondered if they were still in London, like Eli and Oliver were. Ryan and Shane were bickering about something, which involved a lot of laughing and elbowing. When they finally found a place to eat, they squeezed at a table too small to fit four people and ordered breakfast. Next to them were two couples, also squeezed into a table.

Finley could recognize that red hair anywhere.

"Ally!?" She stood up and walked over to their table, not believing exactly what she was seeing. All of her friends had seemingly stayed in London. Finley wondered if they hung out with Oliver and Eli. Rachel whirled around.

"Finley?!" she exclaimed, jumping up and ran to hug her friend. "Oh my gosh! I've missed you so much!! Where have you been?!" They hadn't been embracing longer than five seconds before another person was launched at them. Claire wrapped her arms around them both, grinning and laughing. Finley laughed and hugged them tightly.

"I moved to Los Angeles and started working for Buzzfeed," Finley explained, grinning maniacally. "What have you guys been up to?!" Ally squealed.

"Buzzfeed?! As in Buzzfeed quizzes?!" she exclaimed, still hugging them tightly. Finley rolled her eyes but nodded. 

"We're all back together again!" Ally shouted, grinning. "I missed you guys!" Two boys were sitting at the table Claire and Ally had stood up from. One was Luke, Claire's boyfriend from since Finley knew Claire. He narrowed his eyes at Finley slightly, but she paid it no attention. The other one, a tall guy with curly hair that Finley had never seen before, was grinning at them shyly, head cocked to one side. 

"Who is this...?" Finley wiggled her eyebrows and looked at Ally, smirking.

Ally blushed, grinned lopsidedly. "Uh, he's my, um... friend," she said, turning to glance at Isaac and winking. "Isaac." Isaac waved, not saying anything. He seemed rather awkward to be sitting next to Luke, who seemed to think that everyone in the room who wasn't Claire wasn't worth smiling at.

"Finley, do you know them?" Shane asked, Ryan nodding.

"Yeah, they are my old friends," Finley grinned. Ecstatic to see her former roommates and best friends. Ally waved with a small grin that Shane returned. Claire shook their hands.

"I'm Claire, I work for the government," she introduced vaguely, knowing that she couldn't say too much about her job. Finley laughed, theories of the mysterious Isdal Woman popping into her head.

"Well that's not... creepy," Ryan commented with a half grin. "Nice to meet you." The second Claire's hand touched Ryan's to shake, Luke was at her side.

"Nice to meet you, I am Luke. My father also works for the government, as well as I do, so don't try anything," he warned, way too aggressive. So Claire was somehow still with Luke, and Ally had met up with Isaac, and Finley had no doubt in her mind that they were dating as well.

"It's okay, he has a girlfriend," Shane added, smirking at Ryan, who blushed furiously. Luke smirked, nodding as though he didn't believe him.

"Relax, Luke," Claire sighed, pecking him on the cheek with a small smile. It was Finley's turn to smirk.

"So you guys are on a double date?" Finley questioned, looking at the two pairs.

"No," Ally answered the same time Claire exclaimed 'Yes!' and Luke sneered 'Why do you care?' Isaac stood up and joined the group, standing just behind Ally, slipping his hand into hers. Finley laughed, and felt even more incredibly single than ever before. Of course, she was constantly hanging out with guys, and it honestly made it worse. Because they would date and talk about other girls and clearly had no interest in her except for to goof around with and tour creepy houses with questionable sanitary conditions.

"Well, anyway... we'd better order now," Claire excused, pulling Luke back over to their table. Ally and Isaac, however, lingered a little longer.

"So , Ally, what have you been up to?" Ally shrugged.

"I've been writing a lot, I guess. Nothing solid. I lived in France for a year or so, that's where I met Isaac," she explained, grinning up at him. "Anyway what about you? What do you do for Buzzfeed?"

"Uhhh... we discuss history..." Finley fibbed.

"We hunt ghosts!!" Ryan exclaimed from behind her.

"Uh, correction: we hunt air," Shane added. Finley laughed as Ryan glared at Shane. Ally giggled.

"Sounds fun," she nodded in false interest before leaning over to Finley and hugging her one final time. 

"I hope you have fun on your date!" Finley smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. Ally blushed fiercely.

"You too," she grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Keep in touch, are you going to be in London much longer? We should meet up sometime!! With Claire. But not Luke, he's annoying. It could be like a high school reunion!"

"Speaking of reunions, do you still see Oliver and Eli?" Finley questioned curiously. Ally shrugged.

"I mean Eli works at that one coffee place... register, usually, but I once saw him cleaning the bathrooms," she smirked. "I always knew he'd end up working as a janitor. But Oliver? I haven't seen him since you guys broke up," Ally chattered. Finley nodded. Isaac leaned down and mumbled something in her ear. "Isaac wants me to explain that he doesn't know much English, so he says hi and he hopes that you guys have fun hunting your ghosts," Ally translated.

"Ally!! Our food's here!" Claire called, bringing Ally and Isaac back over to their table, but not after they (or rather, Ally) had spent about twenty minutes saying goodbye. When Finley finally sat down to her own breakfast, Shane and Ryan had eaten half of their plates.

"Sorry, we got tired of waiting," Ryan said unapologetically, his mouth full of food. Finley nodded and glanced once more at the couples laughing and smiling before taking a bite of her own food.

"So, anyway," Shane continued. "I was just talking about the new episode- we should watch the whole thing, like all the way through without editing or changing anything before it airs. Are you guys with me? It could be like a viewing party of sorts." Ryan nudged Finley, looking from her hand to his and back to Shane.

"Sure, that's cool," he answered, taking a bite of his breakfast. Finley nodded, a light pink covering her cheeks. Shane nodded.

"Great. So when we get back, I'll figure out how to hook Ryan's laptop up to the computer."

"Sounds good," Finley grinned nervously, playing with her food. She couldn't wait. 

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