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Three months had passed since Finley had apparently vanished off the face of planet Earth. Ryan was out of the hospital and fully healed (minus some emotional trauma).

Shane and Ryan cancelled the rest of the Unsolved season. Many people were understanding, believing it was due to  Ryan's close encounter with death, but it was really because of their missing demonic coworker. 

Not a day went by that Ryan didn't look for Finley. Not a day went by without Ryan missing Finley. They say time heals all wounds, but he just wished time would move faster. Ryan and Shane tried everything to locate Finley--they called her, contacted her friends and family members, and got in touch a private investigator (because ew to cops). 

Ryan was a mess. Constantly worrying, crying, trying anything desperately to get Finley back. He stayed over at Shane's frequently because he couldn't handle the unbearable silence in his own home. Ryan even attempted to summon Demon Finley with some candles and her laptop; an act that left Shane in a laughing fit for a couple of good minutes. 

Shane was taking Finley's disappearance better than Ryan. Shane assured the fretful and paranoid Ryan that Finley can take care of herself--that being possessed by a demon would only give Finley more power. Neither of them truly could shake their uneasiness though--and Ryan could still hear Shane crying late at night. 

Finley tried to forget the time she spent with the other two ghost busters. She moved to Ohio (because nothing happens there). She cut and dyed her hair, went by a different name, and never talked of her past lover or her best friend. 

It was her fault Ryan got hurt; she didn't want to risk that again. She would rather run away than face her demons. (1. get it--facing her 'demon'  2. Isn't this the plot of the lion king?) 

The demon hadn't resurfaced and Finley vaguely wondered if it was waiting for Ryan. To finish the incomplete murder. A soft voice interrupted Finley's thoughts. 

"Hey babe, what are you thinking about over there?" Finley's girlfriend giggled, poking Finley's cheek. Finley broke into a smile and pulled her girl into a tight hug.

"Nothing important, Vicky." Finley tried forget her past completely, but it only settled in the back to her mind to haunt her later. She nuzzled her face into Victoria's neck, inhaling the comforting scent of soft lavender, running one of her hands through Victoria's curly hair.

Victoria was truly beautiful. Her eyes were a soft green and her face was nothing but soft edges, her skin a colour so rich that chocolate would be jealous. And it wasn't just her looks, either. She was incredibly compassionate and never failed to make Finley feel wanted. 

Somewhere in Finley's subconscious she knew that Victoria deserved more than Finley could offer. Finley's heart was occupied by another. 

Victoria was perfect--but she wasn't Ryan Bergara. 

A/N: I'm so sad. This chapter made me so sad. But hey thanks for 10,000 reads. That's 10,000 more views than I thought would ever happen. As a gift and apology for making the plot of this book incredibly depressing, comment what you want to happen next in the story and I'll write it in. (if I think it makes sense with the flow and tone of the story--no Finley in space or anything.)

How will Ryan find Fin again? Do you want Vic to find out about Fin's past? An exorcism? It's all up to you. (Please someone comment or this will be really sad)

Sweet Dreams <3

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