The Tardis

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The man was dragging David along as the metal men got closer.
"What are there?" David asked.
"I'll tell you later" The man replied.
The three of them then ran into the book shop.
The man then pointed the silver screwdriver at the door handle and it glowed blue.
He then put it away in his suit.
"Everyone out, your all in grave danger!" The man shouted and let go of David's hand.
"How are we in grave danger?" A female asked in the shop.
Her response was the door behind the group of three being knocked down.
Out came the three other metal men.
People started screaming and running out of the shop and away, into the mall.
"Look out!" The woman shouted.
David turned around to see one of the metal men coming at him.
David pulls over a book shelf or David runs away from it

David pulls over a book shelf
David quickly ran to a book shelf near them and pulled it over.
It landed on the metal man, trapping it.
It also blocked off the door to the back room.
"Good thinking" The man said.
"Thanks" David replied.
The two other metal men then started marching towards them.
"DELETE" One of them said.
The man then grabbed David's and the woman's hand.
The three then ran out of the shop and into the mall.

David runs away from it
David quickly backed away from the metal man.
He ran away from it and toward the man and woman.
The door from, where the original door was; came out five more metal men.
One of them grabbed a man and started to electrocute him to death.
"Out!" The man shouted.
David and the woman ran out of the shop and into the mall, followed by the man.

The three of them ran to another shop in the mall.
This shop was a food shop.
"What are we doing in here? We need to get out of here!" David shouted.
"Don't worry, we can" The woman said in a calm tone.
"How can you be calm?!" David yelled.
The man walked through a door, into the kitchen.
"Just trust me" The woman said.
The woman then followed the man.
David leaves or David follows them

David leaves
David decided to get a quick getaway.
He ran away from the kitchen door and to the entrance.
However, the door opened to reveal a metal man.
David quickly ran back and through the kitchen door.

David follows them
David decided to follow them through the kitchen door.
When he was about to go in, he heard the entrance door open.
He looked around to see a metal man standing at the entrance.
It then snapped its head towards him.
David then ran through the kitchen door.

When he went in, he was met by the man and woman standing in front of a blue police box.
"Oh my God" David muttered to himself.
"Guys, there's a metal man outside" David warmed.
The man in the suit put his left hand on part of the police box.
"Alright then, you better come with us" The man said and entered the police box.
The woman then also went into the police box.
"What are you doing in a police box?" David asked.
David then walked to the door.
"And how are we going to fit in that box?" David asked.
David then walked into the police box.

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