Hanging with the guys:4

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I'm sitting in my room watching tv when I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?!"

"Aiden" I hear his shy little voice and I giggle.
I open my door for him

"Wassup"  I head back to my bed and look at him.
"Mommy and Ben are gone...dey said dat they will be gone for a while but dey will be back in a week or 2" he said walking up to me.

"I was wondering if you could make me some chicken nuggets and French fries" he said trying to make puppy dog eyes.
I laugh

"Yeah gimmie a minute, okay?" I say smiling
"Okay!!" He cheeses real hard then runs off somewhere. Probably to the kitchen.

I sit for a minute and wonder...where is jahseh why can't he make Aiden's food. Oh well I get up and go downstairs into the kitchen.

I pull out the food and pop it in the oven. I look over and I see Aiden watching SpongeBob. "Hey Aiden where is your brother?"
I walk around the couch to him.

"Ummm...in his room. I didn't want to ask him cause he would get mad that I interrupt him and stoke." He said not looking away from the TV.

"Okay I'll be right back" I said headed to jah's room

I knock on jahsehs door and it swings open after a couple of minutes. "Aiden I thought I told yo ass not to-- oh it's you" he said with an annoyed look on his face

I notice that stokeley is in the back with a blunt in hand of course..jahseh wouldn't be crying. This nigga been smoking while his little brother starving.

"Yeah its me" I said with a duhh tone "I see why you told Aiden not to bother you" I said gesturing him and stoke.

"First of all shawty, lose yo muhfukin attitude. Second don't be worrying about what I'm doing. Stay yo luh ass in yo room igh?"

I was takin back by the tone of aggression he had in his voice.

"Well ion wanna be here anyway. Ian do shit to you ion got the time for dat. I just came to tell you dat ya little brother was in there starving nigga." I said turning around to walk away.

But I was stopped when he grabbed my arm and told me to wait. He turned back to stokeley. "Aye I'll be right back"

"Okay dAdDyyYy" stokeley said smiling really hard. "Mann miss me wit dat gay shit" jahseh said closing the door.

But I swear to God as soon as that door closed. I blinked and now my back is up against the wall with jahsehs hands around my throat. He gripped it not tight enough to choke me. But enough to have a firm hold. Not letting me leave.

"What the fuck Jah" i can feel my heart pounding harder than before.
"It's jahseh" he said staring into my eyes
"What!? Let me go jahseh"
"You gone quit giving me attitude"
Oh my God there's a waterfall...
"Boy get out of my face! Actin like you can tell me what to do"
I said making a disgusted face.

"Fix ya face" he gave me a Stern look
"Moovveee jahsehh"
He smirked
I'm confused
"Say my name again" he said smirking
"Oh hell no move"
He stopped smirking.
"Say my name again foe I make you"
Then I stop struggling I stop breathing I stop thinking.
It's quiet for a minute my hands roam up to his. That are still around my neck.
We're just making eye contact not saying anything.

Just then jahseh moves his hands from my neck to my waist and then starts kissing on my neck. There was definitely waterfalls

He starts looking for my sweet spot. And he's satisfied when he hears my whimpering due to him finding it.

He pulls away "go make my brothers food, then come yo ass back up here."




: there will be a second part to this part obviously but umm yeahh vote and comment. Or don't you know it's totally up to you
I'll be back. Xx -e ❤

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