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I wake up to the sound of Cleo yelling upstairs, telling me and I guess her kids that dinner is ready.

I get up and throw on a hoodie. Cause I was only in my sports bra and shorts.
I walk downstairs and see everyone sitting at the table.

"Hi baby" Ms Cleo smiles at me "just take a seat"
I nod. The only seat that was open was the seat that was in front of jahseh and beside Aiden. I sit and Aiden just looks at me smiling. I smile back not wanting to seem rude.

Aiden looks about 5 or 6 years old. He's kinda adorable tho.
I look down at my place I see spaghetti and garlic bread and green beans. Honestly it looks hella good. But I'm not finna eat like I usually would. But only because I feel uncomfortable in front of jahseh.

"So Veronica...tell us about yourself" Ms Cleo tries to start up a conversation.
"U-umm" damn why am I stuttering.
"Well I'm 17. I prefer to be called ronnie, I'm in 12th grade and I really want a puppy" I start picking at my food

"Oh yeah? Well how come you didn't tell me baby? I could have gotten you one." My dad says looking at me.

"It's cool I can wait" I shake my head.

"What about you Jah?" All eyes are on him now.

"Uh I'm 17 I make music and hanging with stoke"
He looks at me then down to his plate.
"Who is stoke? Everybody keeps saying that name."

And here we go again with jahseh giving me that death stare.
Aiden laughs "that's Jah jah's best friend.

Awe that's cute.
Jahseh looks at Aiden like he killed stoke or sum.

"Oh okay" I nod.
Jahseh looks at his mom
"Speaking of...can stokeley come over ma?"
"Yeah I guess but y'all better not be doing the most"
"Bet" jahseh gets up and puts his plate in the sink and goes upstairs. I'm assuming hes going to tell StOkElEy that he can come over.

I get up too. I out my plate in the sink and go upstairs.
"Hey Ronnie?!"
"Me and ben have to run to the office for the night. We will be back in the morning. Can you tell jahseh to take Aiden to his aunt's house?" Cleo says looking up the stairs.
"Yeah sure"
"Thx baby" I hear the front door open then close a few minutes after. Letting me know that they left.

I hear the downstairs TV turn on so I'm assuming that Aiden is watching TV. I walk over to jah's door and knock. I wait a few minutes. The door then swings open and a annoyed jahseh appears. "What" he said looking down at me.

"Um... your mom said to take Aiden out to his aunt's house"
"Ight" he says turning around putting on a shirt making me now realize that he was shirtless. I observe his body. Looking from the elephant tattoo on his neck to the VR on his lower abdomen. My eyes tend to get lower till I'm staring at his v-line. That's just how low his sweatpants are hanging. "Stop" jahseh said without looking at me.

"Stop what"
"Looking at me, your eyes are getting to low."
I blush hard as a bitch.
"Whatever" I turn around and go to my room.

I look at him
"Ima take Aiden out now. I'll be back it stoke comes up let him in"
I nod. And just sit on my bed watching Netflix. The front door opens and closes indecating that Jah left.

A few minutes go by and I hear knocking at the door.
I slowly walk down stairs and the knocking gets more loud and faster. I assume it's jahseh cause the way he's knocking. I abrutly open the door.

"Nigga why are you--"
I cut myself off due to a boy with a zebra striped durag on his Head. He just looked at me confused

"Big ass question. What the fuck you doing in vro house???"
"I live must be stoke?"
"How yo fine ass know my name? Is you gone let me in or wat? Where jahseh ass at? When you get here?" He started asking me all these questions.

"Yeah um jaseh told me to let you in..he went to take Aiden to his aunt's house.." tell me why nigga look goofy as hell.

" Oh ight" he just walks to jahsehs room.
So I close the door and walk to mine.




: guyssss I don't know who to put as my model. ighhh
I'll find someone give me time jitss. Xx -e

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