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Disclaimer: I do NOT own twilight...the avengers...Or Iron Man. They all own to their rightful owners. I'm just playing with the characters and having fun. I am not getting paid for this story at all. Now onto the story! I will only be saying this once.

Summary: 5 years after Bella graduates she goes to New York and applies for a job position at Stark Industries. She gets the job and is soon attracted to her boss none other than Mr. Tony Stark. What if said boss returns said attraction? What will happen between the two of them?


5 Years Ago


He left me in the fucking woods. Me, I tried to follow his stupid ass. That little stunt landed me in the hospital. I was there for a little over a year trying to get better. Once I'm better I tell my dad that I couldnt stay there anymore. I graduated from high school and stayed although I worked on college courses at home online. Things were great and I knew once I got my degree I could apply at Stark Industries. My dad had moved out after my graduation and moved down to the reservation with Sue Clearwater.

A knock on the door scares me and I put the computer on the table in front of me. I didn't know anyone who would knock on the door as the pack came and went as they pleased. Not even the imprints knocked and would make themselves at home if they were looking to escape their wolves. I open the door to see a guy in a tux standing there holding an envelope. He hands it to me before bidding me good bye. I watch as he leaves and in his place pulls up Paul's bike.  He looks at me and I turn to head inside. He came over once a week to check in on me and I couldn't deal with him tonight. I sit on the couch with my glass of wine and grab the computer off the table. I open the envelope and see it's from Stark Industries. I shook my head because I haven't even applied yet.

Dear Miss. Isabella Swan,

I would like to offer you a position as my assistant. I have seen your college application and have noticed you have a higher GPA. I usually don't write these myself, but if you would like to fill out the application for the assistant position the follow this link.*

If you have any questions please email me or my bodyguard at these emails.* or*

Anthony Stark
Owner and CEO of Stark Industries

I stare at the paper and couldn't believe that the Tony Stark wrote me and wants me to be his assistant. I would need to know if I was his personal assistant or just one of the many. I knew I would need to start looking for a place to stay so I opened my email and Paul comes into the room plopping himself down in the chair.

"Whatcha doing?" He asks.

"Emailing someone, why does it matter to you Lahote?"

"Just wondering. Who ya emailing?"

"Ugh, you're just annoying me and I'm not sure why considering Rachel is home again. If you must fucking know I'm going to email Tony Stark about something I got right before your ass showed up." I look at him with a death glare.

Subject: Assistant Position

Mr. Stark, I received your letter today and I do have a quick question about the assistant position. Would I be your personal assistant or would I be one to the company? Whenever you can reply will be fine.
Isabella Swan

I close out of the email and go back to working on the last paper I had to do. I would be done by the end of the week. My dad and the pack were planning a party for this weekend as it would be my last weekend here. I'm so glad I could get out of town finally and not look back. Leaving all the stupid shit behind and being free are the two things I want the most. My computer made a noise and Paul looks at me.

"Could that be his response already?" He asks.

"I have no clue and if it is then I have no idea why he emailed me back so quickly."
Subject: Assistant Position

Miss Swan, please call me Tony. I would like for you to be my personal assistant. If you would like another job just follow the link in my letter just leave out the assistant position part. If you would like to take the job I can have a jet sent for you on Monday. If you need extra time that's fine as well, but you wouldn't need to worry about a place to live as I will offer you a room at my place. The reason I say that is I travel all the time and that would include you traveling as well. I wouldn't want you paying bills when you won't be there most of the time. I will be waiting for your response.
Tony Stark

I look at Paul and back at the email before jumping up and running to the kitchen. I had to call my dad and let him know what was goung on. I look at the clock and notice that he would be at work still so I dial the stations number. Paul comes in with my computer and smiles.

"You're gonna be working for the one and only Tony Fucking Stark," he says.

"This is Deb with Forks Police. How may I help you?"

"Deb, it's Bella. May I have Charlie Swan, please," I say into the phone.

She tells me one second and she would see if he was busy. She tells me that he's not in his office, but before I could reply she says he just walked in. She tells me to hold on and she would transfer me to his office.

"Bells, is everything okay?"

"Yes, dad everything is fine. I just wanted to call and let you know that I have a job. Well I will as soon as I email him back."

"That's great kiddo. Where is the job? What is the job? Who are you working for?"

"You remember my interest in Stark Industries? Well I got a letter from Mr. Stark himself for a job position being his personal assistant. I wouldn't need to find anywhere to live as I would stay at his house since we'll be traveling a lot. He wants me to leave Monday, but will give me extra time if needed."

We end out conversation with him telling me he would take off on Sunday so we could have a dad daughter day before I leave. I email Tony back and let him know I graduate on Friday and will be in Seattle on Monday waiting for the jet. He emails me back and tells me he would be there with the jet.

A/N: Here is the first chapter of a new story. I know I know I have several out and I have several ideas for more. * equals made up emails or locations. Let me know what you think. Til next time....

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