RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6: Chapter 1

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That's right guys it's finally here! I apologize for not releasing this sooner. This volume was pretty tough in terms of coming up with a storyline. But thanks to the help of some friends, it's finally here! I hope you enjoy!

You quickly slashed a charging manticore, killing it.

You: Manticore's and Sphinx's. That's new.

Lace: Tell me about it.

Lace turned her swords into pistols and shot at the flying grimm. Meanwhile Krystal was shooting arrows at them. You saw Timber facing 2 manticores. You ran over and charged into one, throwing it off of the train. Timber jumped on top of the other one and clawed his way through it.

Blake: Heads up!

You and Timber turned around and saw Blake with her Gambol Shroud wrapped around a grimm. She threw it towards you both, and you both stabbed through it. You gave Blake a small smile, which she returned.

Nora: Why is it always something?!

You ran over to a manticore charging at Krystal from behind. You quickly grabbed it by the horns and ripped them out, then stabbed the grimm. Krystal turned around and saw what happened.

You: Aren't you the one saving my ass?

Oscar: Tunnel!

Ruby: Go!

You and everyone else ran towards the front of the train.

-Salem POV-

I slammed my fist on the table.

Salem: She what?!

Tyrian cowered down. Cinder looked at me and hesitantly spoke.

Cinder: She saved Krystal and the others. She doesn't work for us anymore. She's a "good guy" now.

Salem: After all the power I handed to her she just left?!

Tyrian: Your grace, if I may.

I quickly glared at him waiting for a response.

Tyrian: She told me something...before she left.

Salem: What did she say?

Tyrian sensed the anger in my tone. He gave me a worried look.

Tyrian: She said don't come looking for her, because she already gone.

I could feel all of the anger inside of me rising.

Salem: Leave.

Tyrian and the others hastily walked out. After everything I've done, all the power I offered, she just leaves?! I heard the windows starting to crack. I slowly opened my eyes.

Salem: So be it.


You: You guys are leaving?

You and everyone else was at the train station heading to Argus.

Krystal: Yes. We're heading to Vacuo, to help defend Shade. We predict it's where the Fang may attack next.

You: But it'll just be you and Lace. You're gonna need more people.

Lace: We already thought of that. But we don't think you'll like who's going with us.

You: Who?

Krystal: Jasper. Don't worry, she's one of us now. She came from Vacuo so she's familiar with that kingdom. Plus it's like you said, the more the merrier.

Timber: Alright. Just stay safe out there. I don't want anyone else dying when I'm not there.

Lace: We'll be fine.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now