RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6: Chapter 7

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You all stood at the shut gates as Yang tried to negotiate with 2 guards on the other side of the gate.

Yang: Come on! You didn't even hear us out!

Guard 1: Our orders are clear! The Mistral Atlas border is closed! Please!

Guard 2: Have a good day!

Yang: But-

Guard 1 and 2: A GOOD DAY!!

You: You guys must get paid well.

Qrow: Hey if you don't wanna believe that I'm friends with Ironwood-

Guard 1 and 2: GENERAL Ironwood!

You all stared at the guards in confusion.

Qrow: Yeah General Ironwood, fine. But look, we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home safely.

The guards looked at each other and said nothing. Then turned to face you all again.

Guard 1 and 2: Approach!

Weiss looked back at Qrow with concern, but he just shrugged and she sighed and approached the gate. As did the guards in unison. They looked at Weiss with a stern glare then stood back up.

Guard 1 and 2: Very well!

Guard 1: You may speak with our commanding officer!

Guard 2: We will fetch her at once!

They both turned around and marched away. Everyone was still trying to process what the hell just happened.

Timber: I hate them already.

Blake: They were kind of-

Ruby: Super weird.

You: No more like bat shit crazy.

Yang and Weiss: Yep.

Maria put her head down in thought.

Oscar: What's wrong?

Maria: Well I...may know this commanding officer.

Ruby: That's good isn't it? If she's your friend then maybe she'll be more willing to help us.

Maria: I wouldn't exactly call us friends.

Weiss: Aquaintences?

Maria: Not quite.

Blake: Colleagues?

Maria: Warmer.

Yang: Enemies?

Maria: That's the one!

You: What?!

Maria: Oh yes I come through here about once every 10 years to get my eyes checked on. You bring outside cashews on one flight and suddenly you're placed on the additional screening list for life!

Qrow: You've gotta be kidding me!

Maria: Now now let's not give up hope yet. Maybe she's dead.

You all sighed in defeat. You jumped when the gates suddenly opened and the guards approached you all.

Guard 1: Introducing!

Guard 2: Special Operative!

Guard 1 and 2: Caroline Cordovan!

Suddenly a rather small woman in uniform approached you. She immediately spotted Maria and walked up to her. They both had a staredown before Cordovan spoke.

Cordovan: WItch.

Maria: She-devil.

Cordovan: Hmm. I see you've chose another contraband to smuggle this time.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now