RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6: Chapter 4

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I watched as Lace was pacing around and speaking uncontrollably. She just won't seem to calm down.

Lace: If they're back, does that mean they're going after Timber? But Timber is with RWBY and f/n so if they find him they find all of them. And if they attack someone might get hurt and-

Krystal: Lace!

She stopped and looked at me. I sighed.

Krystal: Stop stressing over this. Timber and the others will be fine. They've got Qrow leading them, and he's a professional huntsman.

Lace sat on her bed and looked down. We all sat in silence until Jasper suddenly spoke

Jasper: She's here.

We all heard something in the doorway and we saw the cloaked girl standing there. We all stood up and pointed our weapon at her, but she merely chuckled.

Krystal: We know who you are! You can stop hiding under that hood!

The girl let her hood down and confirmed my suspicion. It was Phoenix, although she had a long scar that ran from her left cheek to the side of her neck. She glared at me but I kept my guard up.

Jasper: Where's your brother? He waiting for a surprise attack behind the door?

Phoenix: Dead.

We all gasped and Phoenix for a second had a look of sorrow. But she quickly returned to a stern glare.

Krystal: And your boss?

Phoenix: Alive.

Krystal: So I take it you and her are the only ones left?

Phoenix: Correct.

Lace: What are you doing here?

Phoenix: Taking my revenge. Because of you, my family is dead. They killed my brother, they killed everyone else. Except for me and Tyche, because we're stronger than you realize. And if it wasn't for that bitch...

She glared at Jasper. brother would still be here.

Jasper: I never intended to get your brother killed.

Phoenix pointed her sword at Jasper and became angry.

Phoenix. Bullshit!!

I quickly ran towards her but she elbowed me in the face, sending me to the ground. Lace quickly went invisible and Jasper swung her sword at Phoenix but she quickly used her dagger to parry the attack and kick Jasper away. Lace appeared behind her and pointed her pistols at Phoenix's head. Phoenix went still and dropped her weapons.

Phoenix: You did well Lace Shoru, but you can't beat both of us at the same time.

Suddenly Tyche jumped into the room and swung her hammer with all of her might, sending Lace crashing into the wall and completely depleting her aura.

Krystal: Lace!

Me and Jasper quickly knelt down next to Lace who was now unconscious. I heard a growl and looked up, but before I could react, Tyche swung her hammer at all of us, sending us crashing through the window and landing on the ground. I gasped in pain as I landed on my back, feeling the breath get knocked out of me. I looked up to see the train drive away.


Ruby: I don't get it. The empty towns I passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks fine.

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?

Weiss was shivering and her teeth were chattering. Qrow tried to open the door to a house, but it was locked.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now