Chapter 7: Know Thy Enemy

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Chapter 7: Know Thy Enemy

Annabelle kicks open the door and walks into the hallway, it was covered and moss and dust. Alice and Doc followed her. Annabelle looks at the walls, Alice stops as she felt familiar with the hallway, "What is it?" Doc asks her, Annabelle steps closer to the wall and wipes away the dust and moss, revealing that the wall was still operational.

Then memories flashed in Annabelle's mind as she saw that Alice saw once when she was in the Hive. The Strike teams went into the hall, but were murdered and slice to pieces.

She jerks hand back and looks at Alice, who knew that Annabelle saw what she remembered. "We have to get out of here." Alice mutters and they both ran for the out of the hall. Doc followed after the two as they stood in the room. Alice looks at the desk where her and the strike team once stood to remove the Red Queen from the facility. She remembered bags of C4s were carried into the room. She looks over finding the bags right where they were left. Annabelle looks as well and they both walked over to the bags.

Alice kneels down and unzips the bag, finding the C4 right where it was left. Annabelle kneels down next to her and looks at the C4. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" she asks her, Alice looks at her and smirks. Pulls out the gun, Annabelle pulls out the clip and handed it to her. She loaded it into the gun and she locks it in, "Here." she calls out, getting Doc's attention. "More stopping power," she states and Doc walks over to them and took the gun from her as Annabelle handed Alice a gun as well. She took it and nods at Annabelle, who just smirks at her and cocks her shotgun.

Then the two stood up and walked over to the desk, Annabelle pulls up the screen that was password protected Alice looks down at her watched and saw it was less than 20 minutes left. "Time's running out," Alice mutters as Annabelle leans in close to the computer. "Where to now?" Doc asks them as Annabelle looks at the entry. "I know," she states, then types in the passcode. It granted her access and the floor below them opens and they were being pulled down into a secret entrance of the entire Umbrella Corporation company. "What are they?" Doc asks them as the two were looking around. "Cryogenic storage." Alice states, "While everything goes to hell up top. The Umbrella Corporation is sleeping underground in safety." Annabelle states as Doc just looks at the cryo-tubes. "There must be thousands of them," he states.

But Annabelle shook her head "It's not thousands. It's all of them." she states as she and Alice turn. "A Noah's ark for the rich and powerful," she states then presses her hand at the pad and the floor came to a stop. Annabelle squads down, picking up a bag and places it on the table. "What are you doing?" Doc asks them. Alice just unzips the bag, grabbing the detonator and a bomb. "Give us a hand," Alice tells him as Annabelle grabs a few of the bombs and followed after her.


Wesker walks over to the Cryo-tube as it was leaning up, opening up to the co-owner to the Umbrella Corporation.

The Co-owner to the Company steps out, dressed and ready for the time. "Is it done? Is the cleansing process complete?" he asks as he places on his cuffs. "No." Wesker answers him. "Then why am I awake?" he asks as he turns and looks at Wesker. "We had a problem, I tried..." Wesker answers.

But the co-owner, aka Alexander Isaacs, looks at him, "Save your breath. I know exactly what's happening. We've been betrayed." he states and both the Red and White Queens looked at him. Red Queen looks at her sister, who nods at her and flickers away.


Isaacs forces the lid open as he pulls himself out of the tank and on top of it. He looks down at the undead as they were snarling and reaching up for him.

He just looks at them, raises his hand and fires off his gun, getting their attention. "That's right! Over here!" he calls out, getting their attention on him, then slides down the side of the tank. "Come on! That's it!" he states as he lands down on his feet. "Follow me!" he calls out and took off running. The horde follows after him as it leads them over to the Hive. The entrance of the Pipe.

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