Chapter 6: Into The Hive

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Chapter 6: Into The Hive

The survivors walked down the tunnel, shining their lights, they then found giant blades as the way forward was on the other side of them. "What is this place?" Duke questions. "A vent, I believe," Annabelle answers as she walks to the fan. "An air intake for the Hive. Come on!" Alice calls out as everyone ran up to Annabelle as she pushes the blades out of the way, creating a path for them, "No. really?" Kim questions them. "Do you have a better idea?" Jacob questions her.

She shot a glare at him as they ran up then one by one followed each other through the blades. "Be careful these blades are very sharp," Annabelle warns them as she was cutting her palms open. "Hurry, we can't linger for too long," she warns them. She then came out on the other side and looks around. "Annabelle?" Leon calls out, she then turns back and looks at the others. "I'm okay!" she answers as she looks around.

Alice came out and walks up to her, both of them were shining their lights, seeing no sight of the Infected. Ada, Jacob, and Leon came out on the other side as well. But then a loud click echo, making the other look ahead, then the saw the lights coming back on, "Oh no." Annabelle mutters. "Hurry!" the powers coming back on!" Alice calls out to them. Then one by one the survivors hope out from the fan, but Kim jumps back as she dodges a fan, getting herself caught. Alice and Annabelle ran up to the fan. "Claire!" Doc and Jacob call out to her, "Move!" Claire shouts, "I can't!" Kim shouts as she tries to free herself. Claire slips in front and jumps through, Doc and Jacob catching her.

Annabelle grips Alice's blade then jumps back into the fan and stood next to Kim and cuts her free from her weapon and shoves her forward. Ada catches her as Annabelle watches the blade predicting its pattern. She then took her chance and jumps through, Leon catches her as they stumble back, the survivors looked around as Alice spotted a camera. "Someone's watching us," she states as they looked at the camera. "Wesker," Annabelle growls as she moves out of Leon's arms then marches up to the camera and both her and Kim gave it the middle finger. The blades then slowed down and as the two lowered their hands. Alice and Annabelle looked at the blades as they came to a stop. Alice exhales as Annabelle's instincts were telling her to run and she took a step back. "We have to hold onto something," she states as the blades were going in the opposite direction. "They're moving backward," Alice mutters and Annabelle turns to the others. "Run, the air is going to be sucked in! Grab onto something!" she warns them.

They turn and run, but their movements were slowed down by the air as it was trying to pull them back into the fans. Everyone was grabbing onto metal bars, holding on for dear life. "Come on!" Doc shouts as he grips onto Duke's hand and pulls him to the bar. Christian grips onto the bars as well as Annabelle grips onto the bars and pulls Alice up to her, Jacob pulls Ada and Leon up to him and they held onto each other, gripping the bars tightly. Kim was staggering forward and Claire reaches out for her, inches from her hand, but Kim slips and was sent tumbling back, Alice catches her, gripping onto her backpack and pulls her forward. Christian looks up at them, seeing that Kim was slipping from her bag.

The bag then rips and she was flying back even more, "No!" Annabelle calls out, but Christian catches her by her arm and pulls her close to him, "Come on!" he shouts and the both of them then stood to their and march of to Alice and Annabelle. The two stood up as well and walk over to Doc, who was holding his hand out to them Alice grips onto his arm and was pulled forward. Christian then looks at the camera then back at them. "These fans won't stop under we're dead!" he shouts and Annabelle looks at him. "No one is going to die!" Annabelle calls out to him, he smirks and passes Kim to her. She passes her to Alice and Kim grips the pipe for dear life.

Christian then jerks at Annabelle, making her look at him, "You better make Umbrella pay for what they've done! For all of us!" he states and she just looks at him in shock. "No." she mutters as he smirks at her, then he lets go of her hand, "NO!!" she shouts, reaching for him, but he gave her a salute and was rendered to nothing. Annabelle covers her mouth and looks away from her, the wind began to die down and it was silent. Annabelle whimpers and cries as her friend's blood streams down the walls.

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