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"Everything, everything here is covered in dust!" I cried, swatting at the powdery cloud that clung to my clothes. "It's only like this in the movies..."

Madison laughed and continued searching through her box. "I think what you are talking about is dust, and it does exist. Even outside of the movies. If something is just left around for years, dust will take its place."

I rolled my eyes. "Leila, have you found anything cool yet?"

Her pretty red hair was fallen around her shoulders, framing her round face. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

"All I found was a really ugly necklace. Looks more like something a sex offender would force his victims into though."

I just love her dark humor. And her eyes.

Madison groaned and I heard the soft sound of her sitting on the ground.

"You know the ground is dirty, right, Madi?" I asked, a smirk tugging on my lips.

"I know that, Oliver. I'm just tired. What was the point of coming here anyways?" She whined.

It was my idea to come here. Under the large highway bridge, there was this place where many people dropped off their unwanted stuff. Not really trash, but more left-in-the-attic- to-rot-for-years kind of junk. Some people came here to look for antiques to sell, or cool vintage clothes. I convinced Madison and Leila to be those people with me.

"So we could find a treasure map to Neverland," I drawled.

Madison scowled and Leila chuckled behind her hair. I just wished that she would tie it back. Let the world see her beautiful face.

I peered back into the box that I was looking through. It had many books, all covered in dust. There was nothing interesting, other than the thick red book I just picked up. There were small words on the bottom of the cover.

"Handle with care. Think before you speak."

My eyebrows furrowed and I opened it up to the first page. There wasn't an author listed, or a copyright date. It started directly on page 1. Down the page, hundreds of small names lined the paper. Next to them, a single word. They were completely random, and didn't make any sentences when put together.

The first name, Aaron A. Ackerson, had the word 'Copper' next to it.

"Hey guys," I called out. "I found this weird book!" Madison jumped up and started to make her way over from across the lot. Leila make her way over, but not as determined as Madi.

"What did you find?" Madi pressed, eager to see the most interesting thing we found all day.

"Some book. It just has a bunch if names and random words to go with it."

"What was the title?" Leila wondered.

"Didn't have one," I shrugged.

"An author? Copyright date?" She kept going.

"Nope, nothing, just some creepy phrase on the cover, but not really a title."

"Copper," Madi whispered. I gave her a weird look and she shrugged it off.

I looked at another name a few down.

Adella B. Aling: Umbrella.

"Umbrella," I murmured, quiet to the point that I wasn't sure if I had said it or thought it.

The name started to flake away, blowing away by the stale wind.

"W-What's going on? Why is it doing that?" Leila stuttered, clutching my arm.

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