Darling, Part Two

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A/N: ,,Singing my life with his words,, Tap the pic for the full imagine ;)

He opens the driver's door to see you sitting there still, clucthing the wheel until your knuckles are stark white. He places a hand on your shoulder with his version of a kind smile. You notice that all his grins have a hidden emotion behind them, but you can't pinpoint exactly what it is.

"Darling, let's move you to the passenger seat, hm? How's that sound?"

You look up at him. "Why are you going to take me? I'm not about to get in the car with a stranger."

He smirks. "I think we both know that we are *far* from strangers, Love."

"I've never even met you before."

"But now you have," He counters, his gaze becoming more serious. "And I just took care of that mess for you. Strangers don't do that, do they?"

Your brows furrow. "What did you do with my sister?" His fingers twitch at his sides.

"Darling, I won't tell you again." He sees your contemplation all over your face, reading you like a picture book. "I'll tell you what, Love. Let's go far away from here, far away from this shitty town with all its misfortune. I'll even buy you pancakes every day of the week if you so wish. All you have to do is agree to never leave my side." He gives a charming smile, eyes swimming with persistence. You know that declining wasn't an answer. This wasn't truly a request.

You let go of the wheel. He chuckles, holding out a hand, its full purpose to intertwine with yours. You slowly reach out, fitting your fingers against his rough, yet clean ones. Stepping out, you aren't given a moment to think before he yanks your forward and into an embrace. Your cheek is pressed against his chest, bodies pressed ungodly close as his arms only hold you tighter. His hand gently strokes your hair, trailimg from the top of your head down to the small of your back. You breathe in his scent, soaking in the comfort.

"I'm sorry, my love. I didn't want you to see that, to see *me* like that." He sighs, resting his chin atop your head. "You don't think of me any different, do you? You're not going to leave me too, right?"

You nod, not making a sound even as his grip somehow tightens even more.

"Good answer." He mumbles, finger twisting in your locks. "There's no way I'll let you go that easily. Not ever."

"Hey," You say.

He let's out a soft, "Oh?"

"Why are you being... so nice to me?"

He pulls you back, hand rising to your face as if did it every day. But with the gentleness he carried, you wouldn't mind if he touched you like that after tonight.

A lazy grin settles on his face.

"I like protecting those who would have no hope in the real world. Having... baggage of sorts." His eyes wander, before snapping back to yours. "I want to be the only one you depend on. Just me and you. Would you like that too?" Your lips part to speak, but he simply leans in and presses a light kiss to the corner of your mouth. "If your answer is no, I'll make sure that changes quickly. I can't have you trying to escape anytime soon, can I?"

He walks you around the car, opening the door and helping you inside. Once he knows you won't try to jump out, he reaches across you and buckles you in, shutting the door with little strength. He joins you within seconds, putting the car in reverse without buckling himself in. He reaches across the console and grabs your hand. You do not protest, letting him play with your fingers as he drove you farther and farther away from your apartment.

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