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Louis caught in a distracted daze on the couch, he can't get his mind off that kiss. he doesn't know why, it wasn't like it was real. it for a free feed. Lottie hands louis a beer, he startled at the coolness in his hand. 

"you okay, champ?" she asked genuinely. Louis takes a sip, avoiding eye contact. She observes her brother carefully. he swallows deeply.

"lou...?" she waved her hand in front of his face to snap him from his internalisation. he hummed  finally registering her existence. 

"oh uh..." he flicked back into a trance like state. Lottie looked her brother with major concern. a knock sounds at the door. Louis doesn't even flinch, Lottie however rushes to the door. Sierra and Jordan burst in abruptly.

"guys, shush. somethings wrong with Louis" Lottie whispered to the pair, Louis' head snapped up. He scoffs and hopes up from the couch to embrace the couple. Sierra grabs Louis' cheek, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"what's up with you?" Jordan spoke up, gazing inquisitively along with her lover. Louis swatted her hand away. he inhaled deeply and wondered back to the couch, they all huddle around excitedly. Louis shakes his head, a smirk upon his lips.

"well...?' Jordan spoke eagerly.

"don't go making a big deal out of it...something happened...with Harry" all the girls retract back from Louis, really absorbing what he said and suddenly bursting in girlish squeals.

"this is exactly what I didn't want" Louis exhaled frustrated, moving away from the couch and too the fridge.

"so you fucked?" Lottie asked abruptly. Louis choked, his eyes widened in shock.

"no! we just kissed, god you're an awful lot" Louis corrected.

"you kissed harry?" Jordan probed.

"actually, he kissed me" Louis thought back, whether he contributed in the lip touching exchange. They all gasp and share whispers. Louis rolled his eyes at the immature scene.

"tell us everything" Lottie demanded. 

"well, we may have staged a fake proposal for a free meal, I guess I didn't really disclose the details when it come to how far we take the acting skills. he's clearly very method" Louis laughed nervously. the girls are absolute goo at the tale, their eyes glistening with wonder as they stare at Louis.

"this is so cute, you have someone" Jordan added. Louis' head snapped towards her, his mouth gaped in awe.

"wow, it was just a stage kiss" Louis nervously defended. 

"that's where it all starts" Sierra stated matter of factly, nodding her head proudly.

"yeah, especially for celebrity couples" Louis raised an eyebrow at the obsurdity of Lottie's statement.

"you guys are ridiculous" he returns back to the couch with a tub of yogurt. 

"do you like him?" Lottie pestered, sitting uncomfortably close to her brother. 

"not this again" he groaned. 

"well, you have to know these things. what if he asks you out again, you have to have some sort of idea of how you'll react. You might break his heart or worse fall in love" Lottie teased. Louis scrunched his nose.

"if he asks me out, which I doubt he will, because the kiss was nothing, then I would politely decline" Louis answered maturely and proudly.

"denial" all three girls chorused. 

"I am not denial, I don't like him back at all" he exaggerated to prove his point but rather gave the opposite impression, the girls are snickering not buying any of it. Louis huffed annoyed.


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