3. Nachtfest Pub

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** slightly mature content**

7 hours later
Havensburg town
Nachtfest pub

Rosetta was sitting on a man's lap, her arm draped around his neck as he engrossed on rubbing her breasts through her coat. Her legs tightened around his waist, silent moans escaping from her crimson-painted lips. She breathed down and teasingly bit the nib of his ear. She averted her gaze to the noise of the front door opening, followed by a group of people entering. It is not mistaken that Nachtfest was the favored pub in town, no doubt the only pub. Anyone would come to this place. So it was without any surprise that Rosetta found herself meeting the eyes of the same stranger from this morning.

He was wearing some dusky grey tunic and untailored trousers. His hair was still disarrayed in a manner that matched with his own leer of amusement. His shoulders were laid back of a soldier that was sent to train to the military.

She stood and keenly scrutinized him with her striking hazel eyes. The smile wiped the creased lines that were formerly a distorted frown.

She shot him an inviting glance as she excused herself from the man she was currently with to go to the bathroom. After doing her business inside, she went out; a hand covered her mouth and spun her to face the owner. She hit her back to the wall, her arms trapped at her sides as it was firmly being held.

"Alfus." She breathed out when she saw who had taken her.

"We meet again." He grinned.
"Unhand me." She whispered, twisting her wrist to be released.

Alfus inched closer, staring intently at her hazel orbs. He seemed lost and hollow. "Shhh... Hush, Little Red." His lips found hers. Her eyes widened in surprise and soon enough, her lips ravished his.

Rosetta struggled to get free from his tight hold, yearning to touch him. She could feel his erection rubbing against her. The tip of his groin was growing by the second. With the slip of his tongue, her knees buckled slightly.

"Rosetta, your touch is exquisitely delicate and addicting." He groaned against her sore lips which were assaulted by his. His hands slowly released the grip on her wrists. Rosetta took this chance to envelop her arms around his neck and dominate his lips with hers once more. Alfus felt her hands bury in the midst of his hair. He grumbled when he felt her tug through his roots.

"Alfus, I am in desperate need for you.." Rosetta gritted out as she trailed kisses along his jawline.


Uh, hello?


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