Chapter 22

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Rosè Pov

I was shocked of what she said


I asked

Rosè i want to tell you something

Lisa said helding my hands

My heart is beating so freaking fast and the butterflies in my stomach are dancing right now

What is it?

I asked

I want to tell you that i have a----

Lisa was cutted of by the door swinging open

Hey Lisa!!!!

Then i saw Jennie running towards Lisa

Excuse me? Would you move?

Jennie asked me

What are you doing here? Me and Lisa are talking

I said coldly

This girl is getting into my nerves

Uhhhmmmm didnt Lisa tell you that She will company me because of Hanbin will leave?

Jenni asked confusely

That makes me confuse


I asked looking at Lisa

I was about yo tell you Chaeng

Lisa said sighing

Ohhh okay then im going now

I said and was about to leave

Lisa Pov

Wait Chaeng

I said but she already left

I was about to follow Chaeng but
Jennie cough fakely


She said

I looked back at her

I sighed and looked at her

What do you want?

I asked

I want you to carry my things and take me home since its already dissmissal

Jennie said smiling

Wha??? No! Im taking Chaeyoung home!

I said

Hanbin said

Before she continue i cuted her off

Hanbin didnt left Korea yet so im not gonna company you yet

I said smirking and chasing Chaeng

Chaeyoung Pov

I stormed out of the rooftop

Hey Chaeng!

Jisoo called me out

Hey Unnie

I said in a mad voice

Wow wow you fine?

Jisoo asked me

Yeah im fine

I said looking away

Why you look so grumpy?

Jisoo asked me

Its because of that Jennie! First she prohibited me meeting or hanging out with Lisa second she is owning Lisa and Last Lisa will accompany Jennie because of Hanbin leaving!

I said

Okay You need to chill

Jisoo said to me

I calemed myself

Okay so first question do you Like Lisa?

Jisoo asked me


I yelled

Then why are you acting like an Possesive girlfriend?

Jisoo asked

Am i?

No im not

I said defensivley

Are you sure??????

Jisoo asked me intensely


I said nervously

Even if you get kicked out?

Jisoo said


I said sweating

Even if i dont feed you food

Okay that's to far

Uhhmmmm maybe im a little jelous

I said looking away

Ahhhh!!!! So you like Lisa! O mau gash i knew it you like Lisa

Jisoo said

Yahhh Jisoo your voice lower it down

I said but she keep on telling that i Like Lisa that its not true!

Or is it?

You Like Lisa You Like Lisa

Jisoo said

Chaeng what? You like me?

Then we turned around and we saw Lisa and the boys

Ahhhhh Chaeng ahhhhh you like our Lil sis ahhhh

Kai said teasingly

Dont worry i vote for you

Chanyeol said

Chaeng???? You Like Me?

Lisa again asked

Yes! Yes I Like You!

I said to her straightly


Shory update only sorry guys school is starting

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