Chapter 9~Moment of truth...

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"JD I-i- can explain," I stutter cautiously taking a seat next to him. I place my hands in the top of his and lower them down onto his lap. He doesn't say anything only he looks into my eyes that same look of concern plastered across his features I've never seen him look
The look in his eyes is certainly not anger which is what I was expecting its fear...JD is scared? That couldn't be true.

"How long?" He whispers. I look at him and he sighs in frustration before saying a little louder this time "How long have you known Veronica?"

"A few weeks...I took the test only today" I admit glancing over at it.

"Explains the constant bathroom trips" He chuckles softly. I smile a little knowing he's not mad at me for it.

"Jd...I want to-to keep it" I stammer, the dazed look finally comes off of his face and his brow furrows at me like I've said something hurtful. Here it comes...the anger I know I've done it this time...he's so fragile at these kinds of things.

"Who said we weren't keeping it?" He states. I blink at him in shock which makes him laugh.
"Veronica it's our baby why wouldn't we keep it?"

"B-but-" I am cut off when JD brings his lips to mine softly planting a kiss onto them I return the kiss and a few moments later he pulls away from a smile on his face.

"You should've just told me sooner," He says gently "I'm gonna be a dad"

"You'll be a great dad JD" I smile. However, in the back of my mind, a part of me sees a small little girl in the garden with her father playing a game. Only that game involves targets and guns. Real guns. Loaded guns. I shudder slightly and look back at the man next to me maybe a child is what JD needs a healthy family structure which he never had as a kid is just the thing to...ummm how could I put it? Make him JD the murderer?

Another thought runs through my mind while Jd and I sit in the comfortable silence. My parents. What about them? They will have a grandchild...well I guess that's if the baby survives it's not like I can book doctors appointments or anything remotely like that it's just me and him imagine me booking online and being like "oh yes my names Veronica sawyer" a girl who's apparently dead. I could always use a fake name but people, now me I can exactly hide from the only place I can really go is the 7/11 at the bottom of the street that's only because the guy on the counter never watches tv or anything so has no idea that we're supposedly dead he just gets his money and that's all he gives a fuck about!

SHIT. I'm gonna have to deliver a baby...well we JD and I, geez I don't know who will be more stressed out me or him he doesn't cope well under pressure i learner that when I confronted him in the boiler room how frantic he became once he realised id caused his little plan to be postponed he may have still succeeded but I did damage his hand which I don't exactly regret despite the nasty scar-forming from where he was shot.
I've always wanted to be a mother just one other thing. I turn and look at my boyfriend and ask a simple question which has been plaguing me since I started morning sickness.

"Will we have to raise" I query.

JD sighs and puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.
"Ronnie you know there isn't anywhere else to go."

My face falls and a whimper escapes my lips,
"But raising a newborn in an asylum doesn't our child deserve better?"

"Baby this child deserves everything the world has to offer and I promise you we will give them that but the one thing it needs most right now and its early years are its parents who are right here where we are safe. Okay?"

I nod slowly and rest my head against him. He's right but I just wished it wasn't like this that we weren't hiding I'd want to raise our child in a proper home not some abandoned asylum I mean yes we found a nursery towards the back of the second floor a few weeks back but this baby deserves so much better than all of this. God its parents are fuck-ups hopefully they will have a much better life they can be our saviours.

Thanks for all the support with this book one more chapter and we're at the halfway point as said chapters 8,9,10 are being released as a three spam however chapter ten is still being written so little bit longer of a wait however I hope these two releases we're satisfactory enough because I'm worried I've lost my touch when it comes to writing. Thank you to all the people for reading and voting on FTD!
Kea xoxo

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