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*-* George *-*

I felt my head spinning as I opened my eyes, feeling like the whole universe was unstable.

"Oh I'm so sorry did I wake you up?" I heard a boy ask, I turned my head to face him. It was him, the boy from last night.

"U-uh no d-don't worry," I stuttered, mentally face-palming as I realised that I must have slept on the sofa, in the same room as him.

"Awesome, I'm guessing you're OK now?" He asked, he looked genuinely concerned. Knowing that he was worried about me made my stomach go all weird and my face go red.

"it's ok, don't be embarrassed." he smiled, walking over and sitting next to me and gently placing his arm round me.

"o-oh s-sorry." I stuttered again.

Great George, he's gonna think you're some sort of shy weirdo. Which is true but he can't know that!

He just smiled and gently squeezed me.

"Oh yeah Blake took Lily to the park for a bit so like-" he stopped, then looked at me and carried on.

"Maybe you wanna have a game of Fifa?" He added, going quite quiet at the end of his sentence.

"Uh sure I'm not that good." I chuckled, feeling more confident, noticing how nervous he was getting.

Ok George, don't mess this up.

And with that I stood up and turned the Xbox on, placing my disc in the concole and grabbing both my controllers.

"5th game in a row!" Reece smirked, laying down on his stomach, facing me.

"Yeah yeah!" I rolled my eyes, also laying on my stomach and facing the beautiul- I mean boy. And to my surprise we just layed there staring at each other.

"Hey Geor- ooooh what's going on here!" I heard Blake say as he opened my bedroom door, causing me and Reece to quickly jump away from each other.

I guess we were so caught up in the moment?? Oh wait no there was no mement George what are you on about!?

" N-no we were just playing Fifa! " Reece stutters, slightly edging away from me.


"Mhm sure, well Reece we better start going." Blake smirked, looking at the slight blush that was lighting up my face.

Great my hair is a mess. I'm a mess. I look disgusting.

I felt a few tears run down my face as I look at my reflection in the mirror.

"Why can't I be like every one else?" I whisper, feeling more tears fall down my face and a large feeling of disgust building up inside.

Why am I me?
Why Can't I be as perfect as him?

But before I could do anything I heard my phone ring causing me to sprint out of my bathroom and into my room.

"H-hello..." I whisper into the phone.

"Hey George, oh thank god Blake gave me the right number." I just smiled, remembering how thoughtful he is.

"Y-yeah this is me." I laugh.

So sorry its so short and took me so long to post. I was confused on how to start this sksksk but I have some cute ideas (:

Also wtf this book already had 34 reads in like 4 days?!


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