I'm Sorry.

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*-* George *-*

It all went so quick; before I knew it I was sat on my bathroom floor crying.

I'm alone. I'm gonna be alone again. Shit what am I gonna do Monday? He's gonna hate me!

Nothing positive was going through my mind, I could no longer hear anything and I felt my body start to shake.

I'm alone. This time I'm actually alone.

I buried my face into my knees as louder sobs left my mouth. I could no longer control anything and there was nothing I could do. I felt totally useless.

Come on George. You can't call Blake for help, you have to stop this yourself You have to look after Lily.

I then was interupered from my thoughts when I heard a faint buz from the room next door.

The buz was then followed up by another, and another, and before I knew, it was going crazy. But I don't wanna move.

"Georgie you otay? Door, door." I heard Lily whisper from the other side of the door.

"Lily I'm o-ok ill be out in a sec," I whispered, feeling slightly dizzy as I stood up.

Now I have to socialise with whoevers at the door. Just what I wanted.

(Me when I'm home alone 😂 real mood)


"U-uh what are y-you doing here?" I stutter, looking nervously at the beautiful boy who was standing in front of me.

"I heard about you and Blake, and decided to check up on you. Are you ok?" He rambled, catching me in a tight hug; Making me feel all weird.

"I-I'm fine! " I lie, I kind of know he's not dumb enough to fall for that.

"Oh George you're not fine," He sighs, our eyes finally meeting as we pulled away from the hug. I could only see pity, but I just looked at the floor awkwardly.

"Look George is you wanna talk about anything... I'm here you know that right?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I felt my stomach flip as my breath hitched.

"Y-yeah it's just, I hardly know you?" I whispered, a feeling of instant regret filled my shaking body.

"Yeah well I might have only known you for a day, but I know you're a great person... Just please talk to me." He sighed, slowly pulling his arm away and turning round to leave. For some reason my heaty started to ache, you know he came all the way here to check up on me. I can't just turn him away like that.

"W-wait Reece-" He slowly turned round.

"Come in I can't make you come all the way here for nothing," I smiled as he slowly walked back towards me.

Honestly this boy is killing me. But for some reason I... Like it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry its short Stranger things got me shaking and quaking like omggggg sjjdbdhejbdheicjdbeuejdbsidubfjskdjdbdjsjfbd Elle and Mike are my life I-

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