(Chapter One)

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Hello to all wattpadders and thank you for clicking on my story. It is not the first story i have written but it is my first complete one and also the first ill be posting and yall are lucky enough to read it so i hope yall enjoy it and some feedback would be great <3 **WARNING!!! The first chapter will be slow and more of a background on the two main characters so you can get into their heads a little and understand how each of them think and what their perspectives are on certain things so please bare with it and atleast read till the end of like chapter three-ish :-) **

(Jakes POV)

I let my fingers graze over my keypad lightly while thinking about what to write next. My mind has been completely void of any decent ideas for weeks now and it was driving me to the brink of insanity. Ugh!... I give up. You win again today computer but mark my words I shall win tomorrow. 

Getting up from my computer chair, I stride over to my king sized bed and begin to tidy up so everything is ready for when I go to bed. Sleep never comes easily for me but having a perfectly made bed seems to help. I would have the maids do it but they never live up to my expectations, so I just do it myself as precise as possible. And yes, I have major OCD with certain things, my bed being one of them.

I tucked in the silk Armani sheets as tight and rinkless as possible without ripping them and fluffed all eight of my feather pillows, lining them up neatly before being semi-satisfied with the outcome. This should sufice for tonight.

I sigh and try to think of something that could amuse me until I'm tired but nothing comes to mind. Twenty-two bedrooms, eleven baths, six game rooms, two gyms and a home theatre and still there was nothing that appealed to me at the moment. Grrr, I hate this house, theres never anything to do around here, I think sourly.

I pick up my phone and sift through all of my missed messages only to once again be dissapointed. Kale, my older brother, had yet to contact me. Kale and I used to be inseperable until about 6 months ago when he just up and left without warning. No note, no cantact number, nothing.

I dejectedly put my iPhone 5 back on my bedside table not bothering to answer any of my texts. My phone was another one of my new gadgets, it had yet to appear in stores for another month and already I was bored with it. Gah, I'm going insane of boredom, someone just shoot me already.

I plop lazily onto my comfy bed and put my hands behind my head, resting on them. I wonder what I'm doing tomorrow after school... reaching over to my left I pull open my drawer and take out my day planner. Yes. I have a day planner. That's another thing I have OCD with, always having to know what to do ahead of time.

6:30- Wake up and get ready.

7:00- Eat breakfast.

7:30- Drive to school.

8:00- Be at school.

8:25- Classes start.

After that it was blank. Hmm... what to do after school? Maybe I should go to a friends house... Nah, I did that yesterday. Maybe I could invite somebody over here... nope, I didn't want anybody in my house messing up my things. Even though we have over a dozen maids, I hated seeing any sort of mess. So yes, I am a very hard person to please.

Maybe I'll hire a personal trainer for the day and hit the gym?... finally finding something to my appeal I scribble a little note reminding myself to get a trainer for tomorrow in my planner. Pausing to think of which trainer to bring in, I tap the back of my pencil against the small notebook... I think I'll call and ask Tyson to come in.

I add in other little details to fill in the blanks before finally putting it back in the mahogony table drawer. Lifting my arm and looking at my Platinum Edition Rolex for the time, I sigh when I realize it's already 1:17am and I'm not the slightest bit tired. Stupid friggin brain that doesn't want to turn off and go the hell to sleep like a normal person at a normal time.

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