Chapter Five - Nicholas and Me

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Lucresia •

The rest of the day passed by very quickly. I tried avoiding Vera at all costs but I knew deep down I couldn't since we slept in the same damn room. I hung out with Nick all day since we took all the same classes.

Currently we were sitting on the boy's living quarters because he knew how much I wanted to avoid Vera. I was growing extremely fond of Nick even though I had only just met him. He was the closest thing I had to a friend.

"It's 8:20, we should probably go down to the Dining Hall and get some dinner." Nick said looking up from the book he was reading. We were both engaged in two different books and were only sitting in silence, basking in each other's presence. I looked at him and smiled, closing my book and nodding.

"Let's go then..." I said standing up. Nick smiled his signature smile and stood up walking towards me. Just as we made our way out of the boy's living quarters we encountered Father Blackwood. He seemed as if he was waiting for us. I gulped and rolled my eyes, only slightly not to be disrespectful.

Nick placed his hand in the small of my back as if reassuring me, he knew how I didn't like him that much.

"Mister Scratch and Miss Good, I was waiting for you." Father Blackwood stated with a dark tone in his voice. I looked over at Nick who seemed to be completely unfazed by Father Blackwood's serious and terrifying tone. "Whatever for, Father?" Nick asked in a completely oblivious tone. I bit my lip not looking up at the Father.

"I'll explain when you come by my office tonight, at 10." Father Blackwood said, disappearing right after the words left his mouth. As I saw him vanish, I looked at Nick with a worried expression on my face as he looked at me intensely.

He got close to me and cupped my face in his hands, once again. He locked eyes with me for a few seconds and then let me go walking down the huge stairs and into the Academy's foyer. I followed him suit.

"Wait up!" I shouted after him, laughing and running down the stairs. I grabbed his arm as he turned around and raised his eyebrow.

"Why do you always do that, Scratch?" I whispered as he gave me a side smile, he literally booped my nose and walked away. I let out a small laugh but it was short lived by Prudence and the weird sisters teleporting right in front of me.

I groaned. Just leave me ALONE. I noticed Nick cursing under his breath as they approached us.

"Prudence, just leave her alone already. Stop being such a bitch." Nick said smirking at Prudence causing her to raise her eyebrow and chuckle whilst looking at Agatha suggestively.

"And why do you have to be such a warlock slut all the damn time? Following her around for two days straight, let the girl breath." Prudence said pulling a creepy little smirk. Nick rolled his eyes and stared intently at the three girls.

"Poor little Lucresia, she doesn't know that Nicky's just using her because he's been so bored since we broke up." Dorcas laughed as I looked over at Nick who was looking furious. Fuck. Lucresia stand up for yourself for once, show them who's boss.

"Poor little weird sisters. I wonder... how does it feel to not be loved by absolutely no one? You couldn't even keep Nick by your side." That definitely didn't even sound like me talking. I didn't even know where that came from.

Being rude and mean is never on my radar but the girls had it coming. Agatha and Dorcas pulled a surprised face as Prudence pulled a tight smile and walked away, not even responding. Her sisters following behind her.

Nick grabbed me by my sides and started laughing, "That's the first time I've ever seen Prudence not know what to say."

"Well, I honestly don't know where that came from but I'm happy they left me alone." I smiled as Nick looked at me fixedly.

"Let's go eat."

10pm •

Me and Nicholas stood outside of Father Blackwood's office, it was finally time for the meeting he seemed to want to have with us both. Nick seemed pretty unfazed about Blackwood, but I wasn't and Nick was clear about it.

"It's probably nothing, don't sweat it. If anything you know I'm here." Nick said looking at me with a warm expression on his face. I smiled and nodded, he somehow made me feel safe. Nick knocked on the door. We waited for a few seconds as the door suddenly opened.

We saw Father Blackwood sitting on his desk, motioning us to come in and sit in the two chairs in front of it. Me and Nick obliged, sitting in front of the evil man.

"I know for a fact you two don't know why your here." He stated looking at Nick and then shifting his eyes over to me. I immediately tensed up. Nick noticed and put his hand on my knee making sure I knew he was here. Electricity.

Before one of us could answer he continued on, "I need to ask you two a favor, more like give you an order." Blackwood chuckled as if trying to make us less tense but it wasn't helping at least not helping me.

"We are both at you service, Father." Nick said as I simply nodded and pulled a tight smile. Father Blackwood eyed me carefully and nodded.

"As you may know, Edward Spellman's daughter, Sabrina Spellman will be joining us soon. We expect her here by next week. She's very... wild, she always likes to challenge authority. I must ask out of the two of you... please keep an eye on her...treat her nice. Try to keep her from doing something reckless." Father Blackwood explained as I frowned.

I understood why be asked this out of Nick, but why me?

"Miss Good, you're probably asking yourself... 'why me?'. Well it's rather simple, I could send Nick alone but giving her a girl companion might get her more attached to the academy and make it harder to leave." Father Blackwood explained as if he had read my mind. Which he probably did. I nodded slowly not quite understanding... So I had to fake a friendship... I don't like this at all.

"Father Blackwood...I think I speak for both of us when I say; Count on us, fully." Nick answered as I widened my eyes and looked at him bewildered. I don't wanna be friends with someone by force. Father Blackwood looked at me and raised an eyebrow as if awaiting my answer.

"Yeah, what Nick said." I whispered under my breath as Father Blackwood smirked.

"Great! You guys can go but first, let me confess. The Dark Lord asked me for this out of you two especially. You better not let the Dark Lord down." Father Blackwood informed us as I literally started panicking on the inside. I have NEVER had the Dark Lord ask me for anything, two days here and I'm already in contact with Satan, great.

Blackwood motioned us to exit. We stood up and left the office rapidly. Just as I exited the office Nick grabbed me by my hand and pulled me into a hug. I sighed and gave in, there was no fighting it. Two days and I already feel safe with him.

"Let's go drop you off." He whispered. We walked together to my dorm, without saying one word about what Father Blackwood asked of us. I stopped in front of the door that led to the girl's quarters and smiled shyly.

"Goodnight Lu..." Nick said, planting a kiss on top of my head. I smiled and told him goodnight. Just when I was entering I heard him say;

"Thank you, Satan. For giving me more time with her" I don't know if I was supposed to hear it but I did, and that night I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


They are already getting CUTESYY, i've been waiting sooo hard for this chap! And yess Sabrina is comingggg, and as you can see everything is alredy changing! How do you guys feel, like or nah?

Thanks for reading x

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