My Angel(Ineffable Husbands)(Cas)

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The sound of an incoming storm made for a relaxing soundtrack as Aziraphale sorted his newest collection of books into their respective spots amongst the others. At first glance one might think there was no rhyme or reason to the piles and shelves of books but Aziraphale knew where every book was. He was orderly disarray, as he'd once called it.

The only other sounds were the passing cars and the occasional grumble from Crowley who was currently slumped into the small tartan sofa. He was currently reading through his own book, which he seemed rather displeased with, if the sour look on his face was any indication. Crowley had never been one for reading, not like Aziraphale. But he enjoyed spending time with the angel and he used borrowing books as an excuse to stick around the bookstore. It made Aziraphale more comfortable if the books didn't leave his shop.

The small chime of the bell hung above the door pulled Aziraphale and Crowley's attention.

Aziraphale lit up at the sight of the intruder. He was a tall dark-haired man dressed in a long trench coat.

"Castiel," Aziraphale stood from where he was kneeling on the hard wood floor next to a bookshelf.

"Hello, Aziraphale," The man smiled, giving him a nod.

"Castiel? He's not one of your lot, is he? With a name like that," Crowley rose a brow, setting his book aside.

"He's an old friend. A more recently rebelled angel. Castiel, you're familiar with Crowley," Aziraphale introduced politely.

"Yes, though I've never had the pleasure," Castiel gave a small smile and a nod to the demon.

"Rebelled? You mean like us?" Crowley peered over his dark frames, as if to get a better look at this other angel.

"Yes, I suppose so," Aziraphale nodded thoughtfully.

"Well how about that," Crowley smirked at Castiel. "So what brings you 'round here?" he sat up, his interest clearly piqued.

"Business," Castiel answered. He was a bit stiffer than Aziraphale, but he wagered that had more to do with their time on earth than their personality differences.

"Right, yes, you'll be needing that book. Let me just go and get it for you," Aziraphale nodded as if remembering something suddenly. "Please, make yourself comfortable," he gestured to the empty spot on the couch next to Crowley before scurrying off to the back room.

Crowley half expected the new angel to avoid sitting next to him. He wasn't commonly liked amongst the heavenly, in fact Aziraphale was the only one. However, Castiel sat, giving Crowley an easy smile, seeming unbothered by the demon's company.

"How long have you two been friends, then?" Crowley asked leaning back into the couch, his eyes trained on the new angel. He should have felt uncomfortable being surrounded by heaven's greatest warriors, but Aziraphale was no threat and this Castiel didn't seem to be a threat either.

"Only about a century really, though I didn't officially rebel until about ten years ago," Cas answered.

"A whole bloody century and you never told me?" Crowley asked Aziraphale, who had just walked back into the room holding a book in his hands.

"Az talked about you a great deal."

"Funny, he never mentioned you," Crowley shot Aziraphale a curious look, which he was careful to avoid.

"You're the one who made Shakespeare famous, right?" Castiel turned to face Crowley.

"Told you about that, did he?" Crowley gave a sneer.

"I found it endearing," Castiel gave Crowley a wink.

"Ugh," Crowley sneered. "I'm a demon I'm not endearing."

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