Tea(Sabriel/Ineffable Husbands)

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A pissed off archangel is not something that you wanted and yet here Gabriel was, seething. Sam was bloody and bruised and looked on the verge of passing out at any moment. The fact that Baldur was the one who had inflicted the wounds did not bode well for the god of war.

"Sam, can you hear my voice?" Gabriel asked, kneeling by the hunter's side.

"Gabe?" Sam frowned, looking up from where he was currently slumped against the wall. The last hit had made him a bit dizzy. He wasn't entirely sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Yeah, it's me, I've got you, come on."

"Loki, where do you think you are going with him? He is mine," Baldur snarled.

"Sorry, bucko, but not today," Gabe snapped his fingers at the same time as Baldur.

In a whirl of noise and bright lights, Sam and Gabe found themselves in the middle of a cramped bookshop.

"Damn, Baldur," Gabriel swore, gripping his head. He immediately forgot all about his own pain when he remembered Sam had been hurt.

"Sam, are you alright," The worried archangel cupped Sam's face to get the hunter to look at him.

"I'm fine," Sam assured him.

"Oh, goodness."

"What the heavens?"

Two voices caused Gabriel and Sam to look up.

There were two men in the shop. One was rather tall and lanky where the other more rotund, and short.

"Where did you take us?" Sam blinked as he attempted to stand.

"Well I intended to take you back to the bunker, however Baldur did something and now we're...where are we?" Gabriel asked the two men.

"London. Soho to be exact," The shorter one answered kindly.

"London?" Sam rose a brow.

"No, that's not right," Gabriel shook his head. "This is...this is wrong."

"What do you mean?" Sam frowned.

"He's an angel. But I don't know him," Gabriel answered, looking at the shorter man.

"Oh, I'm Aziraphale. I've been stationed on earth since the beginning. To guard the garden."

"I thought that was Gadreel?" Sam looked to Gabriel for confirmation.

"This isn't our universe. That tricky bastard," Gabriel huffed, finally standing to his feet. He gently helped Sam up.

"Uhhh, what?" Sam blinked at Gabriel like he'd just suggested they were in an alternate universe.

"Not our universe, like we're in an alternate world."

So he had suggested they were in an alternate universe.

"Who are you?" The lankier of the two men asked.

"I'm the archangel Gabriel and this is Sam," Gabriel explained.

"Gabriel?" the taller man sneered.

"Now, dear, don't be rude. He's obviously not our Gabriel." Aziraphale put a hand on the other man's arm. "As I said, I'm Aziraphale. This is Crowley."

"Crowley? As in the demon?" Sam frowned.

"You know of me?" Crowley hissed.

"A version, though you're shorter. No less British. And you don't hang out with angels," Gabriel gave a head tilt.

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